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How does Internet use affect the development of self-awareness and self-affirmation in adolescents? 

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Problematic Internet Use (PIU) among adolescents can impact their self-awareness and self-affirmation. Research indicates that PIU can lead to lower self-esteem, disrupting emotional regulation and potentially causing depressive symptoms . Additionally, excessive Internet use can result in cognitive bias among parents, affecting their self-affirmation consciousness and empathy towards their children's Internet habits . Furthermore, the negative impact of Internet addiction on adolescents includes difficulties in regulating emotions, leading to feelings of sadness, loneliness, and low self-confidence . It is crucial for health professionals, schools, and families to be aware of these associations and provide support to adolescents with PIU to prevent the development of depressive symptoms and promote positive self-awareness and self-affirmation.

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Internet use in adolescents can hinder self-awareness and self-affirmation due to exposure to negative content, cyberbullying, and increased social comparisons on social media, impacting their psychological state and behavior.
Internet use negatively impacts positive youth development (PYD) in adolescents by reducing self-awareness and self-affirmation, especially when spending excessive time online or feeling bad when not using social networks.
Excessive internet use can hinder self-awareness and self-affirmation in adolescents, leading to emotional regulation difficulties, introversion, and potential involvement in criminal activities.
Adolescents' Internet use influences self-affirmation in parents, impacting cognitive bias. This interaction highlights the importance of empathy in promoting rational thinking and harmonious parent-child relationships.
Problematic Internet use can negatively impact self-esteem in adolescents, potentially leading to disturbances in self-awareness and self-affirmation, which may contribute to the development of depressive symptoms.

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