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How does managing emotion related to self control? 

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Managing emotions is closely intertwined with self-control. Emotion regulation strategies play a vital role in enhancing self-control and social adjustment, especially in individuals struggling with substance abuse. Research suggests that being flexible in the use of emotion regulation strategies can benefit individuals in regulating their emotions effectively. Furthermore, self-control has been found to be positively associated with affective well-being, with momentary self-control linked to adaptive and interpersonal strategy selection in emotion regulation. While emotion regulation is crucial for well-being, it is not necessarily a direct mediator of the strong relationship between self-control and affective well-being, highlighting the complex interplay between managing emotions and self-control.

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Open access
01 Jan 2010
88 Citations
Managing emotion is intertwined with self-control, as emotion regulation involves controlling responses and behaviors. Both processes are crucial for individuals to navigate and regulate their emotional experiences effectively.
Managing emotion is not a mediator of the strong link between self-control and well-being. Employing less mentally taxing emotion regulation strategies positively impacts affective well-being.
Managing emotion is linked to self-control through flexible use of regulatory strategies, metacognitive knowledge, strategy repertoire, and feedback monitoring, enhancing the ability to navigate self-control conflicts effectively.
Open access
01 Jan 2011
54 Citations
Managing emotion involves targeting specific responses and utilizing control processes, intertwining with self-regulation. This integration sheds light on active emotional and behavioral regulation in individuals.
Managing emotion through an expressed emotion management program positively impacts self-control among substance abusers, leading to improved self-control and social adjustment.

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