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How does smoking in schools affect academic performance? 

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Smoking in schools has a detrimental impact on academic performance. Research indicates that exposure to cigarette smoke, especially from family members, can lead to cognitive decline in children, affecting their learning abilities . Among undergraduate health sciences students, smoking status and nicotine dependence are significantly associated with lower GPA, higher absenteeism rates, and increased academic warnings . Additionally, the presence of smoking behavior among students has been linked to weakened cognitive abilities, potentially hindering academic achievement . Implementing measures such as establishing smoking zones for improved air quality on campus could help mitigate the negative effects of smoking on students' academic performance . Overall, smoking in schools poses a serious threat to students' educational outcomes and overall well-being.

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Smoking in schools, particularly among junior high students, can impact academic performance by weakening cognitive function due to nicotine's effects, potentially hindering learning achievement.
Smoking in schools negatively impacts academic performance by lowering GPA, increasing absenteeism, and raising academic warnings among health sciences students, especially with higher nicotine dependence levels.
Smoking in schools negatively impacts academic performance, leading to lower GPA, increased absenteeism, and more academic warnings among health sciences students, especially heavy smokers with high nicotine dependence.
Smoking in schools can negatively impact academic performance by causing psychological damage, cultural shock, and limited life span awareness among students, affecting their overall educational outcomes.
Not addressed in the paper.

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