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How does tech neck impact the spine and posture? 

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Tech neck, characterized by a neck-down posture while using electronic devices, exerts pressure on the spine. Prolonged exposure to this posture can lead to muscle imbalance, increased workload, and even cervical spine fractures. The load on the spine doubles for every degree of neck angle deviation, emphasizing the importance of maintaining an ideal cranial vertebral angle. This poor posture can cause herniated discs and degenerative disc issues, especially when tilting the neck for extended periods while using smartphones and tablets. Solutions like wearable cervical collars with real-time posture detection and feedback aim to mitigate the negative impacts of tech neck on spine health and posture.

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
Said Elnaffar, Aisha El Allam 
01 Feb 2018
4 Citations
Tech neck, caused by tilting the neck while using smartphones, can lead to herniated discs and degenerative disc issues. The app-based solution monitors tilt angles to improve posture and spine health.
Tech neck, caused by prolonged neck flexion from device use, can strain cervical spine joints, potentially leading to postural issues. This posture may increase pressure on the spine.
Prolonged tech neck leads to cervical spine stress, muscle imbalance, and increased spinal load. The wearable smart cervical collar aids real-time posture correction to mitigate these effects.
"Tech neck, causing spinal flexion, reduces attention and emotional congruence during video viewing. It exerts pressure on the spine, affecting cognitive and emotional processing of media content."
Prolonged tech neck posture increases spine load, leading to muscle imbalance and cervical spine fractures. The wearable smart cervical collar aids real-time posture correction to mitigate these effects.

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