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How does the consumption of egg yolk affect cognitive function in humans? 

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The consumption of egg yolk and its effects on cognitive function in humans have been explored through various studies, revealing a complex relationship. Research indicates that egg yolk, being a rich source of choline, can potentially improve certain aspects of cognitive function. A study conducted on Japanese adults showed that consuming 300 mg of egg yolk choline per day significantly improved verbal memory scores compared to a placebo group, suggesting a positive effect of egg yolk choline on verbal memory, a component of cognitive functions. Similarly, the intake of egg protein hydrolysate NWT-03, derived from egg yolk, was found to significantly improve cognitive function within the executive function domain in individuals with metabolic syndrome. However, the relationship between egg consumption and cognitive function is not straightforward. A study assessing the relationship between whole egg consumption and cognitive functioning among older adults in the US found no association between whole egg consumption status or daily intake quantity and cognitive test scores. In contrast, in Chinese adults, higher egg intake was associated with better cognition, particularly among those with low iron intake, indicating a potential interaction between egg consumption, iron intake, and cognitive function. Furthermore, research on a polypeptide complex isolated from hen egg yolk, yolkin, showed it could improve memory and cognitive functions in rats by upregulating the expression/production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Longitudinal studies in older Chinese adults did not find daily whole egg consumption to be associated with cognitive functioning, highlighting the need for further research to clarify these relationships. Experimental studies on perinatal intake of egg yolks have suggested that it may enhance hippocampal-dependent learning and memory in offspring, indicating the potential long-term benefits of egg yolk consumption on cognitive outcomes. Despite these findings, the overall impact of whole egg consumption on multi-domain cognitive function remains to be fully understood, with existing research suggesting a positive relationship in older populations. This body of evidence underscores the complexity of the relationship between egg yolk consumption and cognitive function, suggesting that while there may be potential benefits, the effects can vary based on individual dietary contexts and the specific cognitive domains assessed.

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Consumption of the egg protein hydrolysate NWT-03, derived from egg protein, improves executive cognitive function in individuals with metabolic syndrome, potentially through DPP4 inhibition or peptide effects on the brain.
Egg consumption positively impacts cognitive function in Chinese adults, especially with low iron intake. Higher egg intake correlates with better cognition, particularly in women.
Consuming 300 mg/day of egg yolk choline improved verbal memory in middle-aged and older adults, indicating a positive impact on cognitive function in humans.
Consumption of the egg protein hydrolysate NWT-03, derived from egg protein, improves cognitive function within the executive function domain in individuals with the metabolic syndrome.
Consuming 300 mg of egg yolk choline per day improved verbal memory in middle-aged and older Japanese adults, suggesting a positive impact on cognitive function.
Not addressed in the paper.

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