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How does the design of a sports brand logo influence consumer emotions and loyalty? 

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The design of a sports brand logo significantly influences consumer emotions and loyalty. Research indicates that logo redesign plays a crucial role in shaping fan attitudes and purchase intentions. Factors such as color combinations, shapes, and lines used in a logo can impact consumer purchase intentions positively. Moreover, brand trust, influenced by logo design, has a positive effect on consumer loyalty. Studies show that logo shapes redesign can directly and indirectly affect brand loyalty and repurchase intentions, with brand attitude mediating this relationship. Overall, the logo design of a sports brand serves as a vital communication tool that can evoke emotions, influence consumer behavior, and ultimately enhance brand loyalty.

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The design of a sports brand logo can impact consumer attitudes and purchase intentions, with color and revolutionary changes potentially leading to negative reactions regardless of fan identification levels.
Logo shapes redesign significantly impacts brand attitude, loyalty, and repurchase intentions. Consumers emotionally attach to brands with redesigned logos, enhancing loyalty and repurchase intentions.
The shape and lines of a sports brand logo positively influence purchase intentions, while color combination and font have minimal impact on consumer emotions and loyalty among undergraduate students.
Logo redesign in sports branding influences brand loyalty through attitude toward rebranding. Logo evaluation partially mediates the relationship between logo change and brand loyalty among sport fans.
Not addressed in the paper.

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