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How does the emotional engagement with movies affect cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and comprehension? 

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Emotional engagement with movies can significantly impact cognitive processes like attention, memory, and comprehension. Studies suggest that emotional content in films can lead to better memory retention of central emotional information while potentially hindering memory performance related to neutral background details, indicating an emotion-induced memory trade-off effect. Furthermore, music in films can bias viewers' recognition memory, leading to falsely recognizing unseen objects as present when coherent with the soundtrack valence, showcasing the influence of music on cognitive processes. Overall, emotional engagement in movies, facilitated by various audio-visual elements, can evoke complex cognitive and emotional responses in viewers, influencing their attention, memory encoding, and overall comprehension of the film.

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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2022
2 Citations
Emotional engagement with movies impacts cognitive processes like attention, memory, and comprehension. The paper focuses on annotating movies emotionally with gamification elements to enhance user engagement and classification.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2020
1 Citations
Emotional engagement with movies influences cognitive processes like attention, memory, and comprehension. Understanding viewers' emotional responses through user experience methods aids in studying these effects.
Emotional engagement with movies can impact cognitive processes like attention and memory, as seen in emotional scene remembering where emotion can both disturb and enhance encoding processes.
Emotional engagement during movie viewing influences neural dynamics, particularly in theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands, with peak engagement correlating inversely with anxiety symptoms.

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