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How does the tip speed ratio affect the efficiency and performance of wind turbines? 

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The tip speed ratio ($\lambda$) significantly influences the efficiency and performance of wind turbines. Research shows that $\lambda$ plays a crucial role in determining the merging of tip vortices, wake meandering, and overall aerodynamic efficiency . Optimal efficiency is achieved at specific $\lambda$ values, with deformable blade turbines showing improved performance at higher $\lambda$ compared to rigid blade turbines . Moreover, it has been demonstrated that individual turbines within a wind farm may need to operate at non-efficient conditions to enhance downstream counterparts' energy production, highlighting the complex aerodynamic interactions influenced by $\lambda$ . Dynamic models incorporating $\lambda$ as a state variable have been proposed for effective control strategies, showcasing the importance of $\lambda$ in wind turbine control systems .

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The tip-speed ratio influences wind turbine efficiency by enabling torque control during partial load operation and aiding in effective wind speed estimation, enhancing overall performance.
The tip speed ratio (TSR) optimization can enhance wind turbine efficiency by adjusting rotor speeds to maximize energy production, considering aerodynamic interactions within wind farms for improved performance.
The efficiency of a Savonius wind turbine with deformable blades peaks at a Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) of 0.9, surpassing the conventional rigid blades' optimal TSR of 0.8.
The tip speed ratio influences wake dynamics, vortex merging, and wake meandering frequency, impacting wind turbine performance and efficiency by altering flow patterns and wake characteristics.
The tip speed ratio influences wake dynamics, coherence, and meandering frequency in wind turbines, impacting their efficiency and performance by altering vortex shedding and wake structure.

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