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How does the use of social media for religious purposes vary across different cultures and religions? 

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The use of social media for religious purposes varies across cultures and religions. In Muslim-majority countries like Indonesia, social media plays a crucial role in religious tourism guidance and marketing activities, facilitating communication between institutions and congregations . In Arab Muslim communities, social media platforms are seen as everlasting tools for religious practices like reciting Quran, supplication, and charity, emphasizing worship and spiritual expression . Similarly, in Pakistan, social media, particularly Facebook, is utilized for sharing Islamic content, providing information, guidance, motivation, and spiritual progression to users, aiding in adopting Islamic ways of life . These studies highlight how social media serves as a platform for religious expression, community engagement, and spiritual enrichment across different cultural and religious contexts.

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Not addressed in the paper.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
14 Oct 2020
10 Citations
The paper focuses on the use of Twitter for sharing Quran verses among Arab Muslims, highlighting how social media supports religious expression, rituals, and community building within the Arab culture.
Social media plays a crucial role in guiding and marketing religious tourism, particularly in Muslim-majority countries like Indonesia, where it facilitates communication between Hajj and Umrah guidance institutions and pilgrims.
Not addressed in the paper.

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