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How does three-body problem by Liu Cixin become so influential in Sci-FI? 

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Liu Cixin's "The Three-Body Problem" has gained immense influence in the science fiction genre due to various factors. The trilogy's unique narrative art, superb storytelling, and the fusion of modern physics with virtual reality have captivated readers globally . Its success symbolizes the rise of Chinese science fiction, breaking the monopoly of foreign works and winning critical acclaim, including a Hugo Award for Best Novel . The English translation strategies employed, focusing on conveying cultural elements accurately, have played a crucial role in its international success . By offering readers an unprecedented aesthetic experience and delving into complex themes, "The Three-Body Problem" has become a cornerstone of Chinese soft power, promoting the "Chinese dream" and enhancing the global perception of Chinese culture .

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The English translation of "The Three-Body Problem" by Liu Cixin, translated by Ken Liu, won a Hugo Award for Best Novel, elevating Chinese science fiction globally.
Liu Cixin's "The Three-Body Trilogy" gained influence in Sci-Fi due to its portrayal of Earth's defense against advanced extraterrestrial civilization, spanning from the Cultural Revolution to the universe's end.
"The Three-Body Trilogy by Liu Cixin gains influence in Sci-Fi due to its unique narrative art, language, structure, and superb narrative skills, offering readers an unprecedented aesthetic experience."
"The Three-Body Problem" by Liu Cixin gains influence in Sci-Fi through its innovative use of virtual reality to simulate modern physics, serving narrative and didactic purposes effectively.
"The Three-body Problem by Liu Cixin gained influence in Sci-Fi through its English translation strategies for conveying Chinese colloquial expressions, aiding in global cultural understanding and appreciation."

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