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How does traffic flow affect parking congestion? 

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Traffic flow significantly impacts parking congestion. The interaction between urban traffic and parking systems plays a crucial role in determining congestion levels. Studies show that the entrance and exit areas of parking facilities experience rapid congestion due to high traffic concentration . Additionally, the lack of road infrastructure capacity and sideway parking contribute to urban traffic congestion, reducing vehicle speeds . Furthermore, the relationship between traffic flow and parking availability influences travel speeds, distance driven, and overall congestion levels . Models suggest that parking policies, such as time controls, can alleviate parking-induced traffic issues without requiring additional parking facilities, but caution is advised to avoid unintended consequences like increased driving distances . Understanding these dynamics is crucial for implementing effective strategies to manage both traffic flow and parking congestion in urban areas.

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Traffic flow affects parking congestion by influencing time spent searching for parking and total driven distance. Parking policies can mitigate congestion without increasing parking supply.
Open accessPosted Content
Richard Arnott, Eren Inci 
126 Citations
Traffic flow can lead to hypercongested travel and stable parking congestion in downtown areas, where demand may be rationed through queues or increased trip prices based on traffic system details.
Traffic flow affects parking congestion by creating lateral "friction factor" due to sideway parking, reducing vehicle speed. This, combined with inadequate road capacity, contributes to urban traffic congestions.
Traffic flow can lead to hypercongested travel and stable hypercongested equilibrium in downtown areas, impacting parking congestion through mechanisms like queue formation or increased trip prices for demand rationing.
Traffic flow affects parking congestion by inducing rapid congestion at entrances, spreading to the entire area. Spatially, congestion first occurs at the frontage road, propagating mainly in the outermost lane.

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