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How effective recurved retaining wall as seawall? 

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Recurved retaining walls, also known as recurve seawalls, are effective in reducing wave overtopping while maintaining a pleasing aesthetic and preserving the view of the sea. Studies have shown that different forms of recurve seawalls, such as concave shapes with squared overhanging edges, can significantly reduce overtopping . These structures utilize recurved wall surfaces to efficiently dissipate wave energy and decrease wave impact, enhancing their effectiveness in reducing overtopping . Recurve structures, including recurve parapets, have been found to provide substantial reductions in wave overtopping, especially in high freeboard and wave breaking conditions . Model studies have further confirmed the effectiveness of recurved wave return walls in reducing overtopping discharges when compared to plain sloping seawalls without such features .

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M.W. Owen, A.A.J. Steele 
01 Feb 1993
21 Citations
The effectiveness of recurved wave return walls as seawalls was evaluated through model studies, measuring overtopping discharges and comparing them to expected values, indicating their effectiveness in reducing overtopping.
Recurved walls on seawalls and breakwaters effectively reduce wave overtopping by deflecting water seaward, especially in high freeboard and wave breaking conditions, with a recurve k-factor < 0.05.
The effectiveness of a recurve seawall in reducing wave overtopping was studied, with concave shape and squared overhanging edge proving most effective among different forms tested.
Recurved seawalls are effective in reducing wave overtopping without increasing crest height. Experimental data compares impact forces and pressures, showing potential benefits over traditional vertical walls.
The recurved retaining wall as a seawall is effective in reducing wave overtopping and dissipating wave energy, enhancing wave decrease effects, and reducing pressure from both vertical and oblique incident waves.

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