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How globalizations can lead to unemployment? 

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Globalization can lead to unemployment through various channels. Trade liberalization, as seen in , can increase competition, prompting firms to seek more skilled workers, potentially leaving unskilled workers unemployed. Additionally, economic globalization, as discussed in , can impact unemployment rates differently in various countries. While some nations experience increased unemployment due to globalization, others see a decrease. The emphasis on trade, investment, and financial openness, as highlighted in , can result in jobless growth and slower employment creation, particularly in developing countries. Therefore, the impact of globalization on unemployment is multifaceted, influenced by factors such as trade flows, FDI, remittances, and macroeconomic policies.

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Globalization can lead to unemployment in emerging market economies like Colombia, Hungary, India, Malaysia, Poland, South Africa, and Turkey due to increased economic globalization.
Globalization, through trade liberalization, can increase demand for skilled workers but not necessarily their employment, potentially leading to increased unemployment among skilled workers due to labor search friction.
Globalizations, specifically trade and financial aspects, can lead to youth unemployment. Trade globalization increases youth unemployment, while financial globalization initially reduces it in the ASEAN region.
Globalization can lead to unemployment through its impact on trade flows, FDI flows, and remittances, affecting employment opportunities in developing countries like Pakistan.

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