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How GPR method used to determine material below the ground? 

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Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a method used to determine the material below the ground. GPR uses electromagnetic fields to detect structures and changes in material properties within the subsurface . It provides images of the dielectric properties of earth materials, allowing for the detection and mapping of contaminants such as used engine oil (UEO) in sandy environments . GPR can also be used to assess the condition of pavement structures by detecting underground features and anomalies, such as buried cables and pipes . The dispersion of GPR wave's phase velocity at different frequencies can be analyzed to characterize variations in material properties and detect surface damage . GPR data processing systems are designed to filter and interpret the signals obtained by the radar antenna, improving the accuracy of object detection and interpretation . Full waveform inversion of GPR based on Maxwell's equations can invert the permittivity and conductivity of the underground medium, allowing for quantitative interpretation of target formations .

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The paper does not provide information on how the GPR method is used to determine materials below the ground.
The paper does not provide specific information on how the GPR method is used to determine materials below the ground. The paper focuses on the development of GPR data processing system and does not discuss the specific applications or methods used for material detection.
The provided paper does not discuss how GPR is used to determine materials below the ground.
The paper does not provide information on how GPR is used to determine materials below the ground.

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5 answers
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