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How influencer* OR content creator* can Influence* student* self-esteem OR confident? 

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Influencers and content creators can influence students' self-esteem and confidence through various means. Research indicates that influencers play a significant role in shaping the self-perception of individuals, especially teenagers. Factors such as motivation, understanding of public speaking, and external/internal influences impact how students perceive themselves. Additionally, the presence of influencers on social media platforms like Instagram can lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression among individuals, highlighting the importance of positive messaging and campaigns promoting self-love and self-acceptance. Moreover, the creativity and innovative approaches of influencers can inspire students to think differently, fostering a sense of uniqueness and self-expression, which can contribute to building self-esteem. Overall, influencers and content creators have a powerful influence on students' self-esteem and confidence through their content and messaging.

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Influencers like Khalisa Cantara Ramadhany on Instagram can influence self-esteem and confidence by promoting self-love campaigns, broadening perspectives, and combating unreasonable beauty standards among students.
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Not addressed in the paper.

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