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How is a exoplanets radius calculated from the wavelenggth dependent? 

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The radius of an exoplanet can be calculated from wavelength-dependent data by considering the variation in the planet's emitting surface radius across different wavelengths. This effect, often overlooked, impacts both emission and reflection spectra of exoplanets during secondary eclipse. The photospheric radius varies with atmospheric opacity and spectral resolution, leading to changes in model calculations at different wavelengths . For instance, this effect can cause 10-20% flux ratio changes in the infrared for low-gravity hot Jupiters, with significant alterations for "super-puffs" at very low surface gravity. Incorporating this wavelength-dependent photospheric radius effect in atmosphere models is crucial for accurately interpreting exoplanet spectra and understanding their physical properties .

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The radius of an exoplanet is wavelength-dependent due to varying atmospheric opacity, impacting emission and reflection spectra, affecting calculations of planet-to-star flux ratios in the infrared.
Exoplanet radius is calculated using spectral data primarily for radial velocities, employing a random forest algorithm to predict radii independent of planet type with an average error of 1.8 $R_{\oplus}$.
The exoplanet's radius is calculated by considering its wavelength-dependent photospheric radius, which varies with each wavelength, impacting atmospheric retrievals and molecular abundance estimations.
The radius of an exoplanet's emitting surface is wavelength-dependent due to atmospheric opacity variations, impacting emission and reflection spectra calculations, affecting features differently based on atmospheric properties.
The exoplanet's radius is calculated from the wavelength-dependent transit depth, where a reference transit radius at a specific pressure level is used as a constant of integration in the calculation.

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