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How is nanotechnology applied in white potato? 

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Nanotechnology is applied in white potato in various ways. It has the potential to be used in food and nonfood areas, such as in the development of novel coatings, barriers, release devices, and packaging materials . Nanotechnology can improve the productivity of plants by enhancing their ability to absorb nutrients and improving the agronomic properties of soil, leading to increased crop yields . In the field of medicine, nanotechnology has been used to develop proteinaceous plant virus nanoparticles, including Potato virus X (PVX), which have shown promise in applications such as bioimaging and vaccination . Additionally, nanotechnology has been used to create potato silicon dioxide sol with large grains, which has potential applications in polishing semiconductor crystal materials .

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The provided paper does not mention the application of nanotechnology in white potato.
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The provided paper does not mention the specific application of nanotechnology in white potato.

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What is the application of nanotechnology in white potato?5 answersNanotechnology has various applications in white potato. It can be used in the development of novel coatings, barriers, release devices, and packaging materials for food nanotechnology. Nanoparticles derived from plant viruses, such as Potato virus X (PVX), can be engineered and used for biomedical applications due to their unique functional properties and enhanced biocompatibility. Nanotechnology also plays a role in increasing the productivity of plants by improving their ability to absorb nutrients and enhancing soil agronomic properties. Additionally, nanomaterials have been found to influence the morphological and physiological parameters of potato plants, as well as the yield, structure, and chemical composition of potato tubers. However, the specific application of nanotechnology in white potato is not mentioned in the provided abstracts.
What are the potential applications of nanotechnology in white potatoes?5 answersNanotechnology has potential applications in white potatoes in various areas. It can be used in the development of novel coatings, barriers, release devices, and packaging materials for food nanotechnology. Additionally, nanocomposites can be used as presprouting agents to accelerate sprouting in potatoes, leading to increased yield. Nanotechnology can also be applied in the development of nano preservatives for potatoes, which can inhibit sprouting and reduce solanine content, facilitating long-term preservation. Furthermore, nanotechnology in plants (phytonanotechnology) can revolutionize crop production in potatoes by allowing controlled release of agrochemicals and target-specific delivery of biomolecules, leading to increased disease resistance, nutrient utilization, and crop yield. Overall, nanotechnology offers potential benefits in terms of food security, disease-treatment delivery methods, environmental protection, and the synthesis of new food products and ingredients in the context of white potatoes.

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