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How is the movement pattern of freshwater simuliidae larvae? 

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The movement patterns of freshwater Simuliidae larvae involve various behaviors influenced by factors like water flow, substrate conditions, and interspecific interactions. Larvae exhibit diel drift patterns with increased activity after sunset, predominantly nocturnal drift, and accidental pupal drift . Larval distribution can be influenced by interspecific competition, with some species spacing themselves regularly on suitable substrates while others clump together . Water flow dynamics around larvae show hyperbolic relationships with velocity, boundary layer interactions, and downstream paired vortices affecting larval positioning and feeding stances . Behavioral patterns associated with locomotion include landing, changing attachment sites, and wandering movements across substrates, facilitated by silk secretion and proleg displacement . Larvae select microhabitats based on boundary layer dynamics, avoiding high surface shear stress zones and reacting promptly to hydraulic changes .

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Freshwater Simulium vittatum larvae do not always stay within the boundary layer, instead gathering along the boundary layer separation zone and stagnation line, avoiding high surface shear stress zones.
Freshwater Simuliidae larvae exhibit movement patterns involving landing with silk secretion, looping while wandering or transitioning to long-term attachment, optimizing habitat selection through specialized behaviors.
Freshwater Simuliidae larvae exhibit nocturnal drift patterns with increased movement after sunset, primarily diurnal adult drift, and minimal larval upstream movements, compensating through female upstream flight.
Freshwater Simuliidae larvae exhibit downstream paired vortices, with one vortex remaining in the lower boundary layer due to body shape and feeding stance, influencing their movement pattern.
Freshwater simuliidae larvae exhibit regular spaced distribution with aggressive interactions, leading to larvae displacements. Some species clump together and show less movement when contacted.

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