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How is velocity profile connected to wake? 

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The velocity profile is closely connected to the wake. Wake behavior significantly affects the performance and lifetime of wind turbines . In the study of droplet movement, the wake of the adhering droplet was analyzed using laser-Doppler velocity profile sensor and hot wire anemometry . The wake structure and vorticity fields in the near wake of a hovering rotor were also investigated . Velocity profiles obtained at different rotor speeds and distances behind the rotor blade provided information on the position, size, and movement of the wake sheet and trailing vortex . These studies demonstrate that the velocity profile is crucial for understanding the characteristics and evolution of the wake in various contexts.

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The paper discusses how velocity profiles obtained at different rotor speeds and distances behind the rotor blade indicate the position, size, and movement of the wake sheet and the core of the trailing vortex. It also shows the distribution of vorticity along the wake sheet and within the trailing vortex. Therefore, the velocity profile is connected to the wake by providing information about its structure and characteristics.
The paper discusses the connection between velocity profiles and wake behavior, specifically in the context of swirling turbulent wakes. It mentions fitting Gaussian and double Gaussian functions to wake deficit profiles and Lamb-Oseen and Taylor distributions to tangential velocity profiles.
The paper does not directly explain how the velocity profile is connected to the wake. The paper focuses on the measurement of velocity vector profiles using ultrasonic transducers.
The paper mentions that the laser-Doppler velocity profile sensor is used to measure the velocity profile in the wake of the droplet. The sensor allows for the detection of backflow and provides information about the axial position of the particle inside the interference pattern system. This helps in understanding the flow field around the droplet and the driving mechanism for the flow movement inside the droplet. However, the paper does not explicitly explain the connection between the velocity profile and the wake.
The paper does not provide a direct explanation of how the velocity profile is connected to the wake.

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