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How is wellbeing and personal attributtes and adaptaiblity linked to resilience? 

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Well-being, personal attributes, and adaptability are closely linked to resilience. Individuals facing challenges, such as those living on islands or dealing with chronic spinal cord injuries, exhibit resilience by drawing on positive behavioral resources like psychological flexibility, personal strengths, gratitude, and finding meaning in life. Moreover, in the aftermath of events like the COVID-19 pandemic, people have shown adaptability by reevaluating their priorities, seeking a sense of purpose, and emphasizing health and well-being. Musicians, for example, develop resilience through traits like buoyancy, resilience, and adaptability, enabling them to navigate setbacks and changes in their careers effectively. Overall, fostering well-being, positive attributes, and adaptability plays a crucial role in enhancing resilience across various contexts and challenges.

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Andrew J. Martin, Paul G. Evans 
13 Jan 2022
2 Citations
Buoyancy, resilience, and adaptability are personal traits crucial for musicians to navigate adversity. Developing resilience through adaptability and personal attributes enhances wellbeing and coping mechanisms.
Well-being in individuals with spinal cord injury/disorders is linked to resilience through attributes like gratitude, meaning in life, personal strengths, and psychological flexibility, enhancing adaptability and positive outcomes.
Wellbeing, personal attributes, and adaptability are crucial components of resilience at personal, organizational, and industry levels, enabling individuals and organizations to navigate challenges effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Well-being and personal attributes contribute to resilience by enabling individuals to adapt effectively to external shocks and threats, as seen in island communities during the pandemic.
Not addressed in the paper.

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