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How many algorithms existing for quantum computers? 

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There are numerous algorithms designed for quantum computers, showcasing their potential advantages over classical computing. These algorithms cover a wide range of applications and complexities. Some notable algorithms include the Deutsch algorithm, Simon's algorithm, Grover's search algorithm, Shor's algorithm, and many others . Additionally, advancements have been made in developing hybrid classical-quantum algorithms, like variational algorithms, tailored for noisy, intermediate-scale quantum systems . One significant algorithm, NISQ-TDA, focuses on topological data analysis and is the first fully implemented quantum machine learning algorithm with provable asymptotic speedup for certain problems . Furthermore, quantum-inspired numerical analysis algorithms have been introduced, combining classical methods with efficient quantum register encoding for exponential speed-ups in various tasks .

Answers from top 5 papers

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Papers (5)Insight
Eight quantum-inspired numerical analysis algorithms exist for quantum computers, combining classical methods with efficient quantum register encoding, offering potential exponential speed-ups over classical algorithms.
Open accessOtherDOI
14 Feb 2022
There are multiple quantum algorithms discussed in the paper, including Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm, Shor's algorithm, and others, totaling to at least 13 algorithms.
05 Apr 2022
The paper discusses several quantum algorithms, including Grover's search algorithm, Shor's algorithm for factoring, Quantum Fourier Transform, quantum phase estimation, and variational algorithms for NISQ systems.
Book ChapterDOI
15 Apr 2022
The paper discusses two quantum computing algorithms: the Deutsch algorithm for binary functions and the Simon algorithm for finding secret codes, showcasing the advantages of quantum computing over classical methods.
Not addressed in the paper.

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What are the different techniques used for parallelizing Q-learning, and which ones have been shown to be most effective?
5 answers
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How does the concept of quantum metrics differ from classical software metrics?
5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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