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How many public libraries are there in the US? 

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There are varying reports on the number of public libraries in the United States. According to the American Library Association, there are 119,000 libraries in the US . However, as of 1989, the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics has collected data on nearly 9,000 public libraries in the country . Additionally, a study mentions that there are 16,568 public library buildings in the United States . The discrepancy in numbers could be due to different categorizations or definitions of public libraries. Despite the variations, these sources collectively indicate a significant presence of public libraries across the US, serving as vital community resources for education, information access, and social engagement.

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Open access•Journal Article•DOI
Amir Karami, Matthew Collins 
01 Jan 2018
13 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
The U.S. Department of Education's Public Libraries Survey collects data on nearly 9,000 public libraries in the United States, providing comprehensive statistics for planning, evaluation, and policy making.
Open access•Journal Article•DOI
James J. O'Donnell, Shannon Regan 
01 Jun 2017-Serials Librarian
1 Citations
According to the American Library Association, there are 119,000 libraries in the United States, encompassing public, academic, and other types.
There are 16,568 public library buildings in the United States, as stated in the American Library Association data referenced in the research paper.

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What do i need to know about early childhood literacy and the importance of public and university libraries?5 answersEarly childhood literacy is crucial for individuals' health, housing, education, employment opportunities, income levels, involvement with crime, and civic participation. Public libraries have the potential to support family involvement in early learning by providing reliable information and engaging experiences. They can foster children's readiness for school and motivate them to read, while also equipping parents with new ways to interact with their children and support their literacy at home. Play-based activities in early literacy programs at public libraries emphasize the importance of parent-child interaction in guiding early literacy learning. School and public libraries play an important role in children's development by providing encouragement, access, and time for reading and literacy. Collaboration between public and school libraries is essential, especially during closures, limited access, and budget cuts. Researchers in library and information science should consider the implications of this collaboration beyond school libraries and youth services.
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