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How much did Keanu Reeves get paid for the new Matrix movie? 

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Movie project financiers and exhibitors are strongly and directly influenced by star power, but news media and movie audiences are influenced less and only indirectly.
The findings shed light on the value of employing star elements in new products, the marketing of stars, and movie promotion strategies.
We also find that the conditional distribution of movie profit and the expected level of profit are related to the use of movie stars and sequels.
We find a positive relationship between the bargaining power of the movie studio’s suppliers and advertising expenditures for the movie sequel.
We show that accounting for the full choice set available every week not only increases the fit of weekly movie sales but also leads to parameter estimates that depict a richer picture of the movie industry.
In support of the model, this study finds a consistently positive relation between domestic theater box-office market shares and various measures of domestic movie spending or domestic movie attendance, and negative relations between domestic movie spending and the market shares of imported American film products.

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4 answers
The Copenhagen Open-Air museum, also known as the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, boasts a remarkable collection of classical antiquities, surprising many due to its Scandinavian location and the origins of its founder, Carl Jacobsen, a beer seller turned collector. Additionally, the Open-Air museum concept has evolved over time, expanding beyond folk culture to include urban, industrial, and military environments, as well as prehistoric and ancient cultures, with a focus on interdisciplinary approaches and community involvement. Furthermore, the Open-Air museum heritage interpretation approach relies heavily on intangible heritage resources to create a sustainable cultural "product" and successful pedagogical tool. These features highlight the diverse and evolving nature of the Copenhagen Open-Air museum, blending historical artifacts with modern museology approaches.
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4 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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Long and short term effects of academic cheating in ethical development?
5 answers
Academic cheating has detrimental effects on ethical development in both the short and long term. In the short term, it reflects a loss of academic moral sense and ethical standards, leading to a normalization of unethical behavior among students. This normalization can persist into the long term, hindering the development of ethical behavior crucial for future professionals. Moreover, the emergence of digital-age learners has introduced new challenges, blurring the lines between traditional views of cheating and ethical practices in high-technology environments. Ultimately, students' perceptions of cheating as less severe dishonesty can impede national development by fostering unethical attitudes that may persist into their professional lives. Ethical promotion and education are essential to counteract these negative effects and cultivate a culture of integrity in academic settings.
What inmates prison sentence participate in therapeutic program?
5 answers
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What is the importance of Investigative report?
5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
American news sources have evolved in their reporting style over the years, shifting towards longer, more analytical stories that provide a broader context and emphasize social problems, interpretations, and themes alongside the traditional five Ws. However, when it comes to covering events like the Conference of Parties (COP), news outlets have historically focused on planned and premeditated large-scale political events, such as the Democratic nominating conventions, which are considered significant media events. Despite this, activists and political outsiders often struggle to garner media coverage due to conflicting norms between their preparedness for routine political reporting and journalists' demand for authenticity and spontaneity. This clash of norms creates cultural boundaries that hinder the visibility of political outsiders in the news cycle.
How do these motivating factors compare to those of graduates from other business programs?
5 answers
Motivational factors for graduates from various business programs exhibit similarities and differences. Research on senior undergraduate and MBA students at The Lebanese International University highlights that good salary and job security are top motivators. In contrast, a study on business professional doctoral programs reveals that students pursue these degrees for personal and professional transformation, with research playing a significant role in their career development. Fresh graduates in different organizations are motivated by participation in decision-making and fair reward systems, rather than monetary factors. Trainees in graduate programs are driven by personal development, career advancement, and clear communication, with expectation gaps often arising from perceived career progression post-program completion. Overall, while factors like interesting work and good wages are universally important, the emphasis on personal growth, research, and career advancement varies across different business programs.