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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
39 Citations
We demonstrate that Impeded Dark Matter can be easily realized without requiring tuning of model parameters.
We show that the dark matter yield crucially depends on the inflationary scale.
We propose a new production mechanism for neutralino cold dark matter in such models.
In this scenario, a feasible dark matter density can be, under conditions, obtained.
We find plausible scenarios for the production of dark-photon dark matter of mass in a wide range, as low as a micro-electron volt to 10 14 GeV.

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What is ohms law?
5 answers
Ohm's Law states that the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it, with the proportionality constant being the resistance. This law is fundamental in electrical circuits, demonstrating linear behavior in material transport properties. Interestingly, Ohm's Law has been instrumental in proving the physical reality of imaginary numbers in electrical circuits, challenging aspects of the special theory of relativity. By showcasing the existence of imaginary numbers through electrical engineering experiments, Ohm's Law has influenced a revised interpretation of the special theory of relativity, leading to hypotheses about a hidden Multiverse and explaining phenomena like dark matter and dark energy. Georg Simon Ohm's contributions to electricity, including his initial and corrected laws, have significantly shaped our understanding of electrical conduction.
Which are the five top empirical scholarly articles examining the relationship between GDP and Inflation?
4 answers
The top five empirical scholarly articles examining the relationship between GDP and Inflation are as follows: 1. "Inflation and GDP dynamics in India and China from 1991 to 2021" by Tamma Koti Reddy et al.2. "Relationship between Wholesale Price Index Inflation and GDP growth in India (1990-2018)" by Tamma Koti Reddy et al.3. "Inflation and economic growth: Evidence from US data (1947-2018)" by Yuedi Li4. "Inflation, inflation volatility, and economic growth in India (1980-2014)" by Simran Sethi5. "Inflation and GDP growth in South Asian countries" by Girijasankar Mallik and Anis ChowdhuryThese studies utilize various methodologies such as Autoregressive distributed Lag models, Multiple Regression Analysis, and cointegration models to analyze the relationship between GDP and inflation in different countries and time periods, providing valuable insights for policymakers and researchers.
How effective are cosmic ray detectors in identifying the presence of dark matter?
5 answers
Cosmic ray detectors have shown exceptional effectiveness in identifying dark matter through various methods. Recent advancements have enabled high angular resolution detectors to study cosmic-ray flux from dark matter decay in dwarf spheroidal galaxies, enhancing signal flux significantly with reduced theoretical uncertainties. Additionally, detectors have been proposed to detect light dark matter particles like axions and dark photons through magnetic excitation in specific materials, offering sensitivity to higher frequencies with minimal magnetic field requirements. Furthermore, detectors have been crucial in probing the parameter space for GeV-scale strongly interacting dark matter, considering interactions with cosmic rays and effects in the Earth's crust. Antideuteron detection experiments have also emerged as a promising channel for indirect detection of dark matter, particularly targeting hidden sector thermal relic candidates like vector portal dark matter.
How does consumer confidence impact the financial performance of businesses?
5 answers
Consumer confidence plays a crucial role in influencing the financial performance of businesses. Research indicates that consumer confidence is not only a reflection of people's satisfaction with their financial situation but also a predictor of their spending behavior. Studies reveal that an increase in consumer confidence leads to improved financial stability, ensuring smooth market operations and reducing financial risks. Moreover, in the context of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), consumer confidence has been found to lead market performance, contradicting the common belief that it lags behind market trends. Additionally, economic and political factors significantly impact consumer confidence, with political events like elections and terror attacks playing a dominant role in shaping consumer sentiment and subsequently affecting economic well-being and business cycles.
What does the evolution of the combined total of the neutral gas, molecular gas and stars imply?
5 answers
The evolution of the combined total of neutral gas, molecular gas, and stars suggests significant insights into galaxy formation and cosmic history. Observations indicate that galaxies acquire cold gas predominantly through accretion at high redshifts, with molecular gas playing a crucial role. The evolution of the molecular gas fraction in galaxies has shown strong changes since z ~ 2, reflecting the depletion/replenishment of molecular fuel. Additionally, the mass of neutral gas in the Universe, particularly in high-redshift damped Lyα systems, has implications for star formation history and the total visible mass in galaxies. These findings highlight the complex interplay between gas reservoirs and stellar components, shedding light on the processes driving galactic mass assembly over cosmic time.
What is the impact of COVID-19 on the OECD healthcare industry in terms of financial stability and economic growth?
5 answers
The impact of COVID-19 on the OECD healthcare industry has been profound. The pandemic led to a significant burden on healthcare systems, increased expenditures, and dramatic socioeconomic consequences. The fiscal response of OECD governments to the crisis was swift and strong, with billions committed to support public health systems and protect economies. Financial success of hospitals and health insurers was impacted, with interruptions in health services and disruptions in international trade affecting the economy. In terms of economic growth, healthcare expenditures did not significantly influence sustainable economic growth during the pandemic period, contrasting with the pre-pandemic period where different types of healthcare expenditures positively impacted economic growth.
What factors contribute to inflation in the global economy?
5 answers
Global inflation is influenced by various factors. The rapid recovery of aggregate demand outpacing aggregate supply due to quarantine restrictions and supply chain disruptions, along with significant price increases in food and energy, have been key drivers of inflation in the global economy. Additionally, global factors such as global commodity prices, global slack, exchange rates, and producer price competition play a significant role in affecting inflation levels across countries. The impact of globalization on inflation dynamics is evident, with disruptions in global trade channels causing inflation spikes, especially in emerging markets. While global factors have a greater influence on the inflation gap, they play a marginal role in driving trend inflation, particularly in emerging market economies. Furthermore, common global factors explain a substantial portion of the variance in national inflation rates for advanced countries, particularly affecting food and energy prices.
4 answers
The influence of various indicators such as roadside, sidewalk, building, wall, fence, pole, traffic light (TRA_LIGHT), traffic sign (TRA_SIGN), vegetation, terrain, and sky on housing prices can be understood through a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating insights from urban planning, economics, and real estate market analysis. While the provided contexts do not directly mention these specific indicators, they offer a framework for understanding how macroeconomic factors, Points of Interest (POIs), and infrastructure quality can indirectly inform us about the impact of such indicators on housing prices. Macroeconomic indicators, including interest rates and GDP, have been shown to significantly affect housing prices, suggesting that the economic environment plays a crucial role in determining real estate values. This implies that the broader economic context, which can be influenced by infrastructure quality (e.g., roads, sidewalks) and urban amenities (e.g., vegetation, terrain), indirectly affects housing prices. The presence of POIs, which can include traffic lights, traffic signs, and other urban infrastructure elements, has been identified as a factor that can directly or indirectly affect housing values. A high density of POIs in the immediate area is generally a stimulant for housing prices, although the impact varies by category, suggesting that not all infrastructure elements contribute equally to property values. Quality indicators of road pavement and the broader urban infrastructure, including the maintenance of roads and sidewalks, are crucial for the quality of service provided to the road’s user, which can be extrapolated to imply a potential impact on housing prices in the vicinity. The technical and physical characteristics of urban infrastructure, including the condition of building walls, fences, and poles, contribute to the overall attractiveness and functionality of residential areas, potentially influencing buyer perceptions and housing market dynamics. While the abstracts do not directly address the impact of sky or terrain visibility on housing prices, it can be inferred that these elements contribute to the aesthetic and environmental quality of a location, which is a known factor in property valuation. The overall urban landscape, including vegetation and the quality of urban design elements (e.g., traffic signs, lights), plays a significant role in shaping residential property values by enhancing the livability and appeal of neighborhoods. In summary, while the direct impact of the listed indicators on housing prices is not explicitly covered in the provided contexts, the importance of macroeconomic factors, POIs, and the quality of urban infrastructure in influencing real estate values offers a comprehensive understanding of how such indicators might affect housing prices indirectly through their impact on economic conditions, urban amenities, and infrastructure quality.
Why does first love is more powerful in everone's life?
10 answers
The phenomenon of first love holds a unique and powerful place in an individual's life, often remembered with a vividness that outlasts other relationships. This can be attributed to several factors explored across various contexts. Nancy Kulish emphasizes that first loves during adolescence are not merely reducible to preoedipal or oedipal meanings but are significant experiences that reverberate into adulthood, suggesting a deep psychological impact that shapes future emotional and relational landscapes. This idea is complemented by the abstract notion that love, while not unique, becomes singular and irreplaceable when associated with the first lover, highlighting the unmatched emotional depth and demand the first love experience commands in one's heart. The intensity and novelty of first love experiences contribute to their lasting impact. Adolescent processes, including first loves, are marked by intense affects that individuals resist re-experiencing in treatment due to their profound emotional depth. This resistance underscores the powerful, often overwhelming nature of first love, which can set a benchmark for emotional engagement in future relationships. Moreover, the exploration of various scientific and medical research contexts, though not directly related to the psychology of first love, underscores the complexity of human experiences and the multifaceted nature of our responses to them. From the intricate mechanisms underlying diabetic kidney diseaseto the cardiovascular implications of endothelial loss, each piece of research reflects the broader theme of how initial conditions or experiences can have long-lasting effects, analogous to the indelible mark left by first love. In essence, first love is powerful in everyone's life because it is a confluence of intense emotion, novelty, and psychological development during adolescence. It serves as a foundational experience that shapes individuals' expectations and perceptions of love, intimacy, and relationships moving forward.
What are the interesting theories about dark matter and dark energy?
4 answers
Various theories have been proposed regarding dark matter and dark energy. One theory suggests that dark matter is crucial for preventing galaxies from dispersing, while dark energy has an anti-gravity effect, pushing galaxies apart. Another theory posits that the gravitational energy gradient due to the expansion of ordinary matter, rather than dark matter, explains galaxy rotation, and that this gradient also clarifies Type 1a supernovae brightness observations. Additionally, there is a hypothesis that colored relics from the early universe may have evolved into dark matter and dark energy, with research focusing on their emergence from the primordial quark gluon plasma phase after the Big Bang. Furthermore, a study suggests that dark matter and dark energy are properties of gravity, influenced by the nonlinear interactions of gravitational potential fields.
How does FPI affect the economic growth and inflation of a country?
4 answers
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has varying impacts on economic growth and inflation in different countries. Studies on Ghana, Pakistan, and selected African and Asian countries show that FDI positively influences economic growth, with a bidirectional causal effect between FDI and inflation. In Ghana, FDI and economic growth are positively related, while inflation relates inversely with both economic growth and FDI. Conversely, in Pakistan, FDI has a positive impact on economic growth, while inflation has a negative influence on GDP. Additionally, FDI inflows can positively affect macroeconomic variables like GDP, but may increase inflation and negatively impact exchange rates. Therefore, the relationship between FDI, economic growth, and inflation is complex and context-specific.