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How regional integration influences proximity or convergance member countries? 

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Regional integration's impact on proximity or convergence among member countries varies based on factors like trade, investment, infrastructure, and regional disparities. Studies show that while regional agreements may not always lead to economic convergence, factors such as infrastructures, productive complementarity, and spillover effects from leading countries play crucial roles in the convergence process . Additionally, the convergence process in MENA countries is influenced by education, R&D, infrastructure, and public investment, with evidence of both convergence and divergence among different countries in the region . Furthermore, regional integration can promote growth through increased trade and investment, although the effects may not be uniform across all developing countries . Overall, regional integration can either foster or hinder convergence among member countries, depending on various economic and institutional factors.

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
te Velde, Dirk Willem 
59 Citations
Regional integration promotes growth through increased trade and investment, aiding convergence among member countries by reducing income disparities and enhancing regional cohesion, especially in developing regions like Africa.
Regional integration in ASEAN, exemplified by the Our Eyes Initiative, is influenced by common threats like transnational terrorism, prompting member countries to converge through transnational communication mechanisms.
Regional integration influences industrial location within a member country based on access to preferential partners and market size, promoting spatial concentration in larger regions with advantageous market access.
Regional integration does not directly impact convergence in MENA countries, but factors like education, R&D, infrastructure, and public investment play crucial roles. Trade specialization and firm agglomeration hinder convergence.
Regional integration doesn't guarantee economic convergence among member countries. Factors like infrastructure, productive complementarity, and spillover effects from leading nations play crucial roles in the convergence process.

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