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How self-determination affects experience of the students? 

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Self-determination significantly impacts students' experiences in various educational contexts. Research shows that autonomy experience influences students' liking for learning science, with more autonomous students displaying higher intrinsic motivation . Additionally, in the context of a mobile science exhibition, autonomy was linked to situational motivation, particularly affecting boys more than girls . Furthermore, the study on Azerbaijani master's students reveals that the social environment plays a crucial role in meeting the need for self-determination, with families in collectivistic societies like Azerbaijan often prioritizing employment over long-term self-development aspirations, potentially affecting students' well-being . These findings underscore the importance of fostering autonomy, competence, and relatedness to enhance students' educational experiences and overall well-being.

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Professional self-determination significantly impacts students' experiences by aiding in career choice and successful employment, especially for students with special educational needs in inclusive higher education environments.
Students' self-determination in Azerbaijan is influenced by unsupportive social environments, impacting their well-being and educational aspirations, particularly due to employment-focused family perspectives in collectivistic Azerbaijani society.
Self-determination positively impacts students' reading experience by enhancing competence, autonomy, and relatedness, leading to improved academic performance, reading speed, vocabulary, and problem-solving skills.
Self-determination positively influences students' liking of science learning, intrinsic motivation, and situational motivation, enhancing learning outcomes in both school and science center contexts.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Alla Bodnar, Kateryna Rybalochka 
03 Mar 2021
1 Citations
Self-determination impacts students' experience by influencing autonomy, decision-making, planning skills, and professional identity formation, highlighting the importance of integrating these components for effective career development.

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What is self-determination in students?5 answersSelf-determination in students refers to their ability to make independent choices, set goals, and solve problems in their daily lives. It is an important framework for decision-making and is linked to interests, choices, and decisions. Self-determination can be fostered through various interventions and models of instruction, such as the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI). It is a crucial developmental domain for students with disabilities, including those with learning disabilities and vision disabilities. Self-determination plays a significant role in the transition from school to community for young people with autism, and it is required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Additionally, self-determination is important for university students during their self-realization and self-actualization process, as it allows them to make independent choices and realize their potential.
What is the level of influence in self-determination of indigenous students?5 answersThe level of influence in self-determination of indigenous students is influenced by both environmental and personal factors. Culturally responsive schooling (CRS) that incorporates community- and culture-based education best meets the educational needs of indigenous children. Indigenous students' life experiences are often overlooked in school learning, causing dissonance in learning, but incorporating local and traditional ecological knowledge in education can enhance their sense of place and sustainability awareness. The Indian Self-Determination and Educational Assistance Act has enabled American Indian communities to enact self-determination through community-based schooling, emphasizing the importance of incorporating Native American epistemologies in schooling for indigenous students. The concept of self-determination is also discussed in the Rethinking Indigenous Self-Determination Conference.
How does self-determination affect performance?4 answersSelf-determination theory suggests that the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and autonomous motivation can positively impact performance. Specifically, the satisfaction of psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness predicts autonomous motivation. Additionally, the satisfaction of the need for competence is positively related to perceived sport performance. In the presence of external incentives, the satisfaction of the need for competence has the strongest positive impact on performance, partially mediated by intrinsic motivation. The relationship between the need for relatedness and performance is weak and fully mediated by intrinsic motivation. However, the impact of self-determination on performance is not limited to sports. In occupational therapy, the satisfaction of psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence enhances therapy engagement and outcomes. Overall, self-determination plays a crucial role in influencing performance outcomes across various domains.
What is the relationship between self-determination and level of performance?5 answersSelf-determination is positively related to performance. The satisfaction of basic psychological needs, such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness, has been found to have a positive impact on performance. In particular, competence was found to have the strongest positive impact on performance, partially mediated by subjective evaluation of difficulty and intrinsic motivation. Additionally, the satisfaction of psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness predicted autonomous motivation, which in turn positively predicted perceived sport performance. However, the relationship between autonomous motivation and perceived performance was not significant. Furthermore, self-determined motivation and certain personality traits, such as openness to new experiences and conscientiousness, were positively related to academic performance. Finally, self-determination instruction given by special education teachers was positively correlated with the academic performance of students with disabilities.

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10 answers
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