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How skeletal muscles grow in albino mice? 

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Skeletal muscle growth in albino mice involves various factors and processes. Studies have shown that platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections can enhance muscle healing by promoting early activation, proliferation, and differentiation of satellite cells, leading to accelerated myogenesis . Additionally, the differentiation of skeletal muscles, including the glycogen content in different stages, has been observed in detail using electron microscopy, shedding light on the developmental aspects of muscle cells . Furthermore, the role of serotonin in affecting muscle tissues, including smooth and striated muscles, has been highlighted, indicating its impact on muscle function and histological appearance . Stem cell transplantation, specifically adipose tissue-derived stem cells, has shown promise in promoting muscle regeneration and reducing fibrosis in skeletal muscle laceration injuries in female albino rats . These insights collectively contribute to understanding the mechanisms involved in skeletal muscle growth in albino mice.

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Not addressed in the paper.
In albino rats, skeletal muscle regeneration was enhanced by adipose tissue-derived stem cells compared to bone marrow-derived stem cells, showing improved muscle fiber arrangement and reduced fibrosis.
Not addressed in the paper.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection in injured skeletal muscles of albino rats activates satellite cells, promoting early myotube formation and enhanced muscle regeneration through myogenesis.
The research paper focuses on the electron microscopic study of skeletal muscle development in albino rats, emphasizing glycogen content in differentiative stages of the pectoralis major muscle.

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