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How spirituality is a complex aspect that needs a much higher level of care? 

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Spirituality is a complex aspect that requires a higher level of care due to its profound influence on bio-psycho-social aspects of patients facing severe illnesses and near-death experiences . Defining spirituality and providing spiritual care can be challenging for clinicians, as it involves understanding diverse beliefs and perspectives, which may vary significantly within heterogeneous communities . Recognizing the importance of spirituality in healthcare settings, especially in nursing, can lead to improved health outcomes for patients . Moreover, incorporating spirituality into clinical practice is crucial for addressing cultural competency in healthcare and understanding how spiritual beliefs impact health behaviors and decision-making . Trauma survivors, particularly those with a complex trauma history, often experience disruptions in their systems of meaning, affecting their spiritual and religious beliefs, highlighting the intricate relationship between spirituality and trauma .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
54 Citations
Spirituality's impact on health behaviors and decision-making in primary care necessitates a higher level of care due to its diverse and influential nature in patient care.
Spirituality is intricate due to diverse interpretations. Providing adequate spiritual care in nursing is crucial for enhancing patients' well-being, as spirituality plays a significant role in healthcare outcomes.
Spirituality is complex due to diverse beliefs and the need for validation and peace, requiring a deeper level of care to address individual perspectives and existential concerns effectively.
Open accessJournal Article
1 Citations
Spirituality in critical care requires a higher level of care due to its influence on bio-psycho-social aspects, necessitating a holistic approach by healthcare providers including chaplains.

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