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How to create Fomo? 

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To create Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), one can utilize strategies that enhance individuals' awareness of virtual environments, such as constant updates and monitoring through mobile devices on social networks . Additionally, fostering a sense of social exclusion or anxieties about personal achievements can contribute to the development of FoMO . Incorporating elements of intimacy and detachment in artistic expressions like literature, dance, and cinematographic theatre can also cultivate a sense of FoMO, as seen in William Forsythe's choreographic work Kammer/Kammer . Furthermore, leveraging social media dependency and the fear of missing trends can be used as a sales strategy to induce quick purchases, as observed in the context of consumer behavior towards cassava-based products in Indonesia . By combining these approaches, one can effectively create and capitalize on the Fear of Missing Out phenomenon.

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Utilize Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) phenomenon by leveraging social media dependency to induce a sense of urgency, encouraging quick purchases, and enhancing consumer loyalty towards cassava-based products.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2022
24 Citations
Creating FoMO involves constant updates on social media, monitoring with mobile devices, and spending significant time on social networks to stay aware of virtual changes, fostering psychological, behavioral, and social connections.
Forsythe's Kammer/Kammer choreographically cultivates FOMO through metonymic spaces, blending physical and digital intimacy, anticipating digital-native abilities to navigate mixed realities in social interactions.
Book ChapterDOI
12 Apr 2022
1 Citations
To create FoMO (fear of missing out), individuals can stay continually connected with others' activities through smart internetworked personal mobile media, fostering a pervasive apprehension of missing rewarding experiences.
Not addressed in the paper.

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Which theories are defining FOMO in literature?5 answersThe literature defines the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) through various theories. Social Determination Theory (SDT) is a key framework linking FoMO with Problematic Social Networking Sites use (PSNSU), negative affectivity (NA), self-esteem (SE), and sleep disturbances. Additionally, the Vulnerability Model is incorporated into the FoMO concept, highlighting the mediation of self-esteem (SE) between FoMO and negative affectivity (NA), and the full mediation of NA between FoMO and sleep disturbances. Furthermore, research discusses how FoMO can lead to higher purchase intent, mediating the relationship between social group dynamics and purchase decisions. The impact of digital technology on human behavior, particularly through Instagram filters, is also explored in relation to FoMO. These theories collectively contribute to understanding and defining the complex phenomenon of FoMO in contemporary literature.
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When is the term FOMO first introduced?5 answersThe term FOMO, which stands for fear-of-missing-out, was first introduced in previous research as the experience of believing that other people are having an enjoyable experience from which one is absent.
What are the psychological mechanisms behind FOMO?3 answersFOMO, or fear of missing out, is influenced by various psychological mechanisms. One such mechanism is the impact of emotional and psychological factors on FOMO. Specifically, unfulfilled psychological needs for self and relatedness positively affect FOMO, while comforting rationalizations have a negative influence on FOMO. Anticipated elation and anticipated envy from others also have a positive effect on FOMO. Additionally, cognitive reappraisal plays a moderating role in attenuating the negative emotional consequences of FOMO. It helps in reducing daily negative affectivity, anxiety, and depressive symptoms associated with FOMO. Furthermore, FOMO is associated with problematic internet use (PIU) behaviors, indicating a link between FOMO and PIU. These psychological mechanisms shed light on the underlying factors contributing to FOMO and its impact on individuals' well-being and behavior.
How does FOMO affect the life satisfaction of Gen Z?5 answersFOMO, or fear of missing out, can have a negative impact on the life satisfaction of Generation Z (Gen Z) individuals. Gen Z, who are characterized by their love for new technologies and fear of becoming "outdated," are particularly susceptible to FOMO, which can lead to lower levels of life satisfaction, psychological distress, and anxiety. The constant exposure to social media and the fear of missing out on viral information and comparing oneself to others on social media platforms can contribute to this negative emotional experience. Studies have shown that FOMO is related to the lack of fulfilling one's psychological needs and can affect one's involvement in social media. FOMO can manifest itself in feelings of social exclusion, anxieties about personal achievements, and a sense of weakness that needs to be controlled. Therefore, FOMO can significantly impact the life satisfaction of Gen Z individuals, highlighting the need for strategies to overcome this fear and promote well-being.
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