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Considering this fact, in this paper, we propose a method using colour, shape and texture for detecting objects from images.
This paper presents a novel statistical shape model that can be used to detect and localise feature points of a class of objects in images.
This paper presents an effective method to detect moving objects for videos captured by a moving camera.
Experimental results, implemented in Visual C++ code with OpenCV development kits, indicate that the proposed method can detect, track, and count moving vehicles accurately.
In this paper, we can achieve good detection accuracy by extracting the features at different convolution levels of the object and using the multiscale features to detect small objects.
This paper proposes a new method to detect objects in images.
In this paper, we propose a novel framework for detecting multiple objects in 2D and 3D images.

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Why are object detectors are used for license plate detection?4 answersObject detectors are utilized for license plate detection due to their crucial role in enhancing the accuracy and robustness of Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems. These detectors play a vital part in identifying license plates amidst varying conditions such as changes in size, orientation, color, background, and resolution, ensuring the system's efficiency in real-world scenarios. Object detection models, particularly those based on deep learning frameworks like YOLOV3, are employed to detect license plates accurately even in challenging situations like poor quality surveillance videos, occlusion, and fluctuating weather conditions. By training custom models on specific datasets, object detectors enhance the overall performance of ALPR systems, enabling efficient detection and recognition of license plates for various applications, including traffic rule enforcement and vehicle tracking.
How can image processing be used to detect and recognize objects in the scene?4 answersImage processing can be used to detect and recognize objects in the scene by utilizing various techniques and models. One approach is to use deep learning-based convolutional neural network (CNN) models, which are effective in processing and analyzing sensor signal data, such as images, for classification. Data augmentation techniques, including quantum circuit-based augmentation, can be employed to improve the accuracy of CNN models. Another method involves contour analysis algorithms, which utilize convolution of the image in multiple directions and tracing procedures for object recognition. Additionally, the use of deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and hardware platforms like Raspberry Pi can enable the implementation of low-cost automated systems for object sorting based on their features. These techniques and models contribute to the accurate detection and recognition of objects in scenes, overcoming challenges such as uncertainty, blurring, and occlusion.
How can computer vision systems be used to detect and track objects in real-time?3 answersComputer vision systems can be used to detect and track objects in real-time by utilizing various algorithms and techniques. One approach is to use machine learning algorithms such as You Only Look Once (YOLO) to detect objects by predicting bounding boxes and finding class probabilities for these boxes. Another method involves the use of object segmentation tools and neural networks to create an intelligent object classification system. Additionally, the combination of autoencoders and long-term short-term memory (LSTM) can be used to detect abnormal events from surveillance systems by detecting objects in video sequences. Real-time object tracking can be achieved by developing software applications that utilize pixel characteristics and employ noise and size filtering techniques. These approaches enable computer vision systems to accurately detect and track objects in real-time for various applications.
What is Object Detection in Computer Vision?5 answersObject detection in computer vision is a fundamental task that involves identifying and localizing specific objects in images or videos. It goes beyond simple object classification and provides a better understanding of the objects present. Object detection has various applications, including pose estimation, object tracking, instance segmentation, and inventory management in retail. Traditional methods like Viola-Jones, SIFT, and histogram of oriented gradients do not require historical data for training and are unsupervised, while modern deep learning networks like CNN, RCNN, YOLO, ResNet, RetinaNet, and MANet are supervised and efficient for object detection. Deep learning-based object detection models still face challenges in accurately detecting small-scale objects, but techniques like multi-scale feature fusion and candidate box refinement have shown promising results. Object detection is crucial in various machine vision applications, including surveillance, navigation, and object identification. The recent advancements in deep learning and CNNs have significantly improved the performance of object detection techniques.
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How to detect an object in an image?7 answers

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Recent algorithms proposed for the feature selection problem in machine learning include the Quadratic Unconstrained Optimization Problem (QUBO) method, Forward Feature Selection Algorithm (FFS), Sequential Input Selection Algorithm (SISAL), and the Particle Swarm Optimization Dragonfly Algorithm (PSODA). The QUBO method, discussed in, compares favorably in small-sized setups but lags behind classical stochastic optimization methods in larger datasets. FFS and SISAL, as highlighted in, are utilized for processing Photoplethysmography (PPG) signals to optimize statistical parameters. Additionally, the PSODA algorithm, detailed in, combines the Dragonfly Technique and Particle Swarm Optimization to outperform other algorithms in high-dimensional data analysis, striking a balance between exploration and exploitation for effective feature selection.
How does slow internet causes lowering down of grade?
4 answers
Slow internet can lead to a decrease in academic performance due to various factors highlighted in the research. The study by Wainer et al. (Context_4) on the 2001 Brazilian Basic Education Evaluation System found that frequency of computer use, computer ownership, and internet access at home impacted students' test results. It revealed that slow internet negatively affected younger and poorer students' performance, while having a positive effect on 11th graders. Additionally, the study emphasized that the educational relevance of IT services and ease of access to computers are crucial for efficient IT use in education. Therefore, limited access to reliable internet services can hinder students' ability to access information, complete online assessments, and engage with educational materials effectively, ultimately impacting their academic outcomes negatively.
What are the types of timers used in games?
5 answers
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4 answers
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5 answers
Current neuroimaging techniques utilized for identifying dyslexia biomarkers include functional MRI (fMRI), EEG, and MRI data analysis. fMRI and EEG are employed to assess neuronal response properties associated with reading ability, aiding in the early screening of dyslexia before behavioral evaluations. Machine learning approaches, such as Convolutional Neural Networks and Time Distributed Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory Neural networks, are proposed for dyslexia detection based on anatomical and functional MRI data, showcasing improved classifier performance through image segmentation. Additionally, methods like modified histogram normalization and Gaussian smoothing enhance the interpretation of dyslexia neural-biomarkers from MRI datasets, improving comparability of image features and neural-biomarkers with high accuracy levels in deep learning classifications.
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5 answers
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4 answers
Library research is a methodical approach to data collection that primarily involves the use of library resources such as books, journals, articles, and other documents to gather information needed for a study. This type of research is often the initial step in the research process, serving to establish the background, understand the context, and generate ideas for further investigation. It is characterized by its reliance on existing literature to solve research problems, making it a critical and in-depth study of relevant materials found in libraries or similar repositories. The process of library research can vary significantly based on the objectives and problems being addressed, incorporating both mathematical and non-mathematical approaches to analyze economic issues, for instance, demonstrating its versatility across different fields of study. It employs a variety of data collection techniques, including the examination of literature books and lecture materials that are pertinent to the research question. Despite the challenges posed by situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which may limit the feasibility of field research, library research remains a viable and effective method for producing scientific work. Moreover, library research is integral to the advancement of library and information science, contributing to the development of the field through findings and methodological guidelines. It is essential for investigating theoretical phenomena and addressing assumptions within the librarianship profession, aiming to enhance operational activities and service quality through empirical studies. The interdisciplinary nature of library research underscores its significance, as it facilitates collaboration among scholars from various disciplines to tackle complex problems. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the promotion of library services and the exchange of information between authors and users, further highlighting its importance in educational settings. The necessity for library and information research is underscored by ongoing research efforts and the need for such research in various regions, including Australia, where it is seen as vital for career development and the improvement of library services.
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5 answers
Video captions play a crucial role in enhancing user engagement on social media platforms. They address the challenge of retaining viewer attention by providing textual descriptions that complement the visual content. Video captioning is vital for various applications, including assisting visually impaired individuals and improving accessibility for second language learners. Recent advancements in deep learning methods have shown promising results in generating captions that align with evaluation metrics like BLEU and METEOR. Additionally, incorporating game-like elements in captioning tasks can make the process engaging for non-expert users, leading to improved caption accuracy and increased crowd engagement. Therefore, utilizing video captions can indeed boost social media engagement by catering to a wider audience and enhancing the overall viewing experience.
Is Gait Entropy Image compact?
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Yes, the Gait Entropy Image (GEnI) is considered a compact gait representation. This novel representation encodes motion information by capturing the randomness of pixel values in silhouette images over a complete gait cycle, making it robust to changes in covariate conditions like clothing and carrying objects. The GEnI is designed to focus mainly on motion information, which allows it to be less sensitive to appearance changes compared to other existing gait representations. Its compact nature and ability to emphasize motion over appearance make the GEnI an effective tool for gait analysis and recognition tasks, showcasing its efficiency in handling variations in covariate conditions.
Is Gait Entropy Image reducing computation complexity?
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Yes, Gait Entropy Image (GEI) and Gait Frame Difference Entropy Image (GFDEnI) are methods that aim to reduce computation complexity in gait recognition. GEI simplifies the gait image by averaging images over a gait period, reducing data volume and noise sensitivity. On the other hand, GFDEnI describes gait features using Shannon entropy theory, enhancing accuracy and robustness to clothing changes. Additionally, the improved Multiple Multiscale Entropy algorithm reduces computation complexity by refining the coarse-grained process and introducing a fuzzy membership function, leading to better recognition results compared to traditional methods. These advancements in gait entropy analysis contribute to simplifying computations while maintaining or improving recognition accuracy.
What is feature detection in psycology?
5 answers
Feature detection in psychology refers to the process of identifying specific characteristics or attributes within stimuli, such as images or patterns. Various methods and models have been developed to enhance feature detection in different contexts. For instance, artificial immune system-based models like AIDEN and DCAIGMM have been investigated for autonomous detection of arc-features in neuronal structures, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of neuro-psychotic diseases. Additionally, methods involving score maps and reward maps have been utilized to train models for feature point detection, ensuring correct pairwise matching of interest points in images. Furthermore, techniques like convolution of packets and fusion of detection results have been proposed for efficient and accurate feature detection in input tensors, minimizing processing costs. These approaches collectively contribute to advancing feature detection processes in psychology and related fields.