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How to identify the nature of a core-excited resoance state? 

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To identify the nature of a core-excited resonance state, one can utilize various experimental and theoretical techniques. Experimental methods, such as table-top soft X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy, can map vibrational wavepackets onto core-excited states, allowing for the determination of relative core-level potential energy gradients . Theoretical approaches, like quantum chemical methods, are crucial for analyzing core-excited states. For instance, the algebraic diagrammatic construction scheme (ADC) is a reliable method for calculating excited states, providing accurate valence-excited states and incorporating orbital relaxation effects important for describing core-excited states properly . By combining experimental spectroscopy with theoretical calculations, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature of core-excited resonance states in molecules.

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The nature of a core-excited resonance state can be identified through quantum chemical methods like the algebraic diagrammatic construction scheme (ADC), which considers orbital relaxation effects and valence-core couplings.
To identify the nature of a core-excited resonance state, observe vibrational Feshbach resonances and study autodetachment behaviors using resonant photoelectron imaging, as demonstrated in the research on core-excited dipole-bound states.
The nature of a core-excited resonance state can be identified by analyzing the amplitudes of X-ray energy shifts of femtosecond oscillations, which depend strongly on the state's characteristics.
Core-excited resonance states can be identified by studying the interaction of molecules with low energy electrons, leading to dissociation at energies below 3 eV, as shown in the research on Ni(II)(acac)2.
The nature of a core-excited resonance state can be identified by probing with soft X-ray femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, observing X-ray energy shifts dependent on the state's characteristics.

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