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How to improve acoustics for music on outdoor scenes? 

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Improving acoustics for music on outdoor scenes can be achieved through various methods. One approach is to make construction changes to the stage area, such as modifying the stage area's design and construction materials, to reduce noise impacts on adjacent residential buildings . Another method involves using algorithms that can handle complex boundary surfaces and inhomogeneous media to compute characteristic sound fields for outdoor scenes. This can be done by combining analytic ray tracing with fast pressure computation based on the Gaussian beam model . Additionally, time variant electro-acoustic enhancement has been successfully used to enhance the acoustical musical experience for outdoor performances . Furthermore, acoustic design artifacts, such as dynamic promotion of qualitative site-specific sounds and sound-art installations, can be employed to improve soundscapes in urban outdoor spaces, creating pleasant and restorative environments .

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The provided paper does not specifically address improving acoustics for music on outdoor scenes. The paper focuses on developing and applying acoustic artifacts and design methodologies for improving soundscapes in urban outdoor spaces such as city parks and squares.
The paper describes how time variant electro-acoustic enhancement has been successfully used to improve the acoustical musical experience for outdoor performances.
The provided paper does not provide information on how to improve acoustics for music on outdoor scenes. The paper focuses on acoustic scene classification using a reduced MobileNet architecture.
The provided paper does not specifically address how to improve acoustics for music on outdoor scenes. The paper focuses on the development of an algorithm for outdoor sound propagation in general.
The paper provides a case study of acoustics improvements made to an outdoor music venue in an urban setting. It discusses the changes made to the construction of the stage area and the overall acoustical results of the improvements. However, it does not provide specific instructions on how to improve acoustics for music on outdoor scenes.

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