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How to make outline? 

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To make an outline, there are several methods described in the abstracts. One method involves setting outwards-facing normal vectors for a true object and inwards-facing normal vectors for an object for adding an outline. These objects are then overlaid to obtain an image with an outline added . Another method defines an outline based on the visibility of pixels on a display. Non-obstructed pixels that are visible in an image and obstructed pixels that are not visible are used to define the outline . Additionally, an apparatus is described that produces outlines by superimposing a light-sensitive sheet and a negative image of the artwork to be outlined. Relative rotational motion between the plates illuminates the light-sensitive sheet to produce the required outline . Another approach involves deriving an outline of a video image to sub-pixel accuracy by interpolating the parameter between adjacent pixels . Finally, an automatic method is described for generating outline information by synthesizing the present and past states of a workspace and the manipulation performed on it .

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The paper describes a method to make an outline by interpolating the parameter between adjacent pixels to sub-pixel positions. The outline is defined where the parameter value crosses a threshold level between two adjacent pixels.
The paper describes an apparatus for producing outlines in graphics by superimposing a positive image of the artwork on a light-sensitive sheet and a negative image on a transparent plate. When the plates are rotated and illuminated, the required outline is produced on the light-sensitive sheet.
Kazutoshi Nakashima, Tamura Tomozo 
16 May 2000
2 Citations
The paper describes a method for generating outlines by setting inwards-facing normal vectors for an object and overlaying it with a larger true object, resulting in an image with an outline.
The paper describes a method for defining an outline of an object by highlighting visible and obstructed pixels on a display and capturing an image. The outline is based on the visibility of individual pixels rather than gradients on an image.

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