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How to tune hyperparameter for a logistic regression model? 

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To tune hyperparameters for a logistic regression model, various optimization techniques can be employed. Bayesian optimization is a popular method that can effectively tune hyperparameters for classifiers like logistic regression . Another approach is sequential model-based optimization (SMBO), which constructs a common response surface for all datasets, allowing for efficient hyperparameter tuning across different datasets . Additionally, a novel calibration scheme for penalized logistic regression has been introduced, offering optimal finite sample bounds and easy implementation for tuning parameters effectively . These methods provide efficient ways to optimize hyperparameters for logistic regression models, enhancing their performance in classification tasks.

Answers from top 5 papers

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Papers (5)Insight
Utilize Bayesian optimization with directional derivatives to tune hyperparameters for a logistic regression model efficiently, leveraging insights from statistical learning theory for classifiers.
Bayesian optimization was used to refine hyperparameters in the study. For logistic regression, this method can enhance model performance by adjusting parameters like regularization strength and solver choice.
Not addressed in the paper.
A novel calibration scheme for penalized logistic regression utilizes simple tests along the tuning parameter path, offering optimal finite sample guarantees and efficient implementations.
Open accessProceedings Article
Dani Yogatama, Gideon S. Mann 
02 Apr 2014
174 Citations
The paper proposes an efficient transfer learning method using sequential model-based optimization to tune hyperparameters for logistic regression models across datasets, showing superior performance.

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What is the best way to tune hyperparameters?4 answersThe best way to tune hyperparameters is by adopting established best practices from AutoML, such as the separation of tuning and testing seeds, as well as principled hyperparameter optimization (HPO) across a broad search space. This approach has been shown to significantly affect the agent's final performance and sample efficiency in deep reinforcement learning (RL). Comparisons between multiple state-of-the-art HPO tools and hand-tuned counterparts have demonstrated that HPO approaches often have higher performance and lower compute overhead. Additionally, efficient formulas to compute the gradient and hessian of approximate leave-one-out cross-validation have been derived, allowing for the application of second-order optimizers to find hyperparameters. It is important to note that hyperparameter optimization is more nuanced than previously believed, and the specific optimizers that should be endorsed remain to be seen.
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