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How use APSIM simulation to analysis 120 days old sugarcane plant data? 

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To analyze 120-day-old sugarcane plant data using APSIM simulation, one can utilize the model's capabilities in predicting crop growth and production potential based on various parameters. APSIM-Sugar model has been validated for sugarcane phenology and yields, showing good fit with observed values. Additionally, sensitivity analysis of APSIM-Sugar model parameters can help optimize the model for accurate simulations. The model can predict sugarcane yield responses to factors like CO2 concentration, rainfall, and temperature, providing insights into crop performance under different conditions. By calibrating key variety parameters in APSIM-Sugar, one can enhance the model's ability to simulate varietal differences and yield responses to environmental stressors, such as water stress. This comprehensive approach ensures accurate and detailed analysis of 120-day-old sugarcane plant data using APSIM simulation.

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Not addressed in the paper.
APSIM simulation can be utilized to analyze 120-day-old sugarcane plant data by inputting growth parameters and environmental conditions to predict crop growth and production accurately.
Not addressed in the paper.
The APSIM model can analyze 120-day-old sugarcane plant data by simulating growth potential, phenology, and yields, ensuring accurate predictions for energy crop production.

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