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In what way does the BGH Urteil vom 26.November 2014 differ from previous rulings? 

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The BGH Urteil vom 26.November 2014 differs from previous rulings in its determination of a compensable loss for the owner of an internet connection. While previous rulings focused on the financial impact of the loss, the BGH ruling recognizes that the inability to use the internet also causes an intangible harm and therefore warrants reasonable compensation . This alternative approach suggests that the owner of an internet connection should be granted a fair monetary compensation for the immaterial damage caused by the loss of internet access . This differs from previous rulings that only considered the financial losses incurred by the owner . The BGH ruling expands the scope of compensable damages to include the intangible harm caused by the loss of internet access .

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The BGH Urteil vom 26.November 2014 is not mentioned in the provided text, so there is no information available about how it differs from previous rulings.
The given text does not provide any information about the BGH Urteil vom 26.November 2014 or its differences from previous rulings.
The given text does not provide any information about the BGH Urteil vom 26.November 2014 or any previous rulings.
The provided information does not mention any BGH Urteil vom 26.November 2014 or any previous rulings.

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