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Is cattle is one of the source of income of small backyard resairs? 

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Cattle indeed serve as a source of income for small backyard farmers. Research conducted in Mexico highlights the economic benefits of integrating agriculture and livestock activities in backyard systems, with farmers generating higher income and profits when engaging in both activities compared to solely focusing on one. Additionally, a study in the U.S. emphasizes the increasing trend of small-scale and backyard livestock ownership, with many owners utilizing animal products for personal consumption and sales, indicating a financial aspect to their livestock ventures. Furthermore, the presence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in cattle from backyard farms in Mexico underscores the economic losses faced by livestock producers due to infections, emphasizing the significance of cattle as an income source.

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Yes, cattle farming is a source of income for small backyard farmers in the central highlands of Mexico, along with agriculture, contributing to higher profits and benefit-cost ratios.
Yes, cattle are reported as a source of income for small backyard livestock owners, with 31% owning cattle and 48% selling animal products commercially.
Yes, cattle are a source of income for small backyard farmers, as highlighted in the research on BVDV in backyard cattle farms in Mexico, emphasizing economic losses due to viral infections.
Not addressed in the paper.

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