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Because urban public areas play an essential role in tourism attractiveness, it is also recommended that cities incorporate tourism into their planning strategy.
This understanding is important for assessing the future use of tourism for sustainable development in the area.
Hence, the present study not only contributes to existing tourism literature, but also makes an important contribution to structuring suitable tourism management policies for the Indian states.
It is proposed that for the sustainability of tourism development, future planning should consider the inclusion of local people.
Obtained results from the study indicate that strategic priorities of urban tourism planning in Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari Province respectively from the highest to lowest level include studying and implementing the plan of equipping tourism orientation for supplying support services of regional tourism; studying and designing construction of park and camp of tourism in talented regions; studying and implementing comprehensive tourism plan in

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What are the key factors for selecting a tourism project location?
5 answers
Key factors for selecting a tourism project location include labor cost, availability of investment lands, land prices, site location analysis, and retail location strategy. Additionally, factors such as educational tourists' motivators, including cost, ease of access, location, social factors, quality of education, instruction language, cultural environment, and communication quality, play a crucial role in decision-making for selecting a tourism education destination abroad. Moreover, the success of a tourist destination can be assessed based on attractions, accessibility, amenities, support services, activities, and available packages, which are essential components according to the 6 As Tourism Destinations (6AsTD) framework. Lastly, the influence of social networks, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards use, perceived enjoyment, e-word-of-mouth, and previous influence factors also impact tourists' behavioral intention towards using social networks for choosing a tourism destination.
How can tourism empower local communities through social entrepreneurship?
5 answers
Tourism can empower local communities through social entrepreneurship by embracing concepts like Community-Based Tourism (CBT). Social entrepreneurship in the tourism sector, particularly eco-tourism, plays a crucial role in local community development and environmental conservation. The fusion of social entrepreneurship and tourism not only enhances economic aspects but also contributes to social, cultural, and environmental sustainability. In regions like India, the development of rural tourism stimulates entrepreneurial tendencies among locals, creating employment opportunities and income generation through various ventures like hotels, travel agencies, and handicraft sales. By integrating social entrepreneurship practices into tourism, communities can leverage their unique cultural heritage and natural attractions to foster sustainable development and empower themselves economically and socially.
How covid impact travel industry?
5 answers
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the travel industry globally. The tourism sector has faced unprecedented challenges, leading to economic crises, job losses, and disruptions in local communities. Various measures have been taken to mitigate the effects, such as vaccination drives and safety protocols, to aid in the recovery of the tourism sector. Studies have shown that individuals' attitudes and intentions towards travel during the pandemic are influenced by factors like self-efficacy and perceived infectability. The aviation industry has also suffered greatly, with airlines, airports, and service providers implementing strategies like network reconfigurations and staff reductions to adapt to the new normal. Overall, the industry is striving to recover and adapt to the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic.
How does the use of destination image affect the perception and preference of potential tourists towards a particular location?
5 answers
The use of destination image significantly influences tourists' perceptions and preferences towards a specific location. Destination image shapes residents' perceptions of economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts, impacting their support for tourism development and word-of-mouth intentions. Moreover, tourists seek emotional connections with destinations, and visual stimuli play a crucial role in evoking positive emotions and influencing behavioral intentions. Additionally, the interaction with key informants and perceptions of attractions visited affect visitors' cognitive, affective, and conative image, as well as overall satisfaction with the destination. Furthermore, the adoption of tourism mascots with cultural meanings can positively impact both residents and potential tourists, enhancing perceptions of warmth and competence and stimulating support for the destination.
How big is Europe as a tourist destination?
5 answers
Europe is a significant tourist destination, attracting a massive number of visitors annually. The region accounts for a substantial portion of global tourism, with over 2.5 billion commercial bednights registered per year from 2005 to 2010. Approximately 2 million travel agencies in Europe employ around 8 million people, showcasing the industry's size and impact on the workforce. Moreover, European city tourism has seen considerable growth, with 473 cities in EU and EFTA states experiencing increased visitor stays between 1995 and 2005. The tourism sector in Europe plays a crucial role in the economy, contributing significantly to GDP and employment rates, with estimates suggesting that about 5% of the EU's GDP and total occupation rate come from tourism. Overall, Europe's tourism industry is vast, diverse, and a key player in the global travel market.
Which sustainable business models for coastal destinations are there??
5 answers
Sustainable business models for coastal destinations encompass various strategies to balance economic growth, environmental conservation, and community involvement. These models emphasize the integration of tourism with global sustainable development plans, community participation in tourism management, and the implementation of environmentally responsible practices. Additionally, principles such as maintaining a balance between economic development, socio-culture, and conservation, as well as enforcing regulations for tourism management based on local wisdom, are crucial for sustainable coastal tourism. Furthermore, the involvement of all stakeholders and the commitment of the state are essential for ensuring broad participation and consensus in sustainable tourism development. Overall, sustainable business models for coastal destinations require a holistic approach that considers environmental, social, and economic factors while engaging local communities and enforcing regulations.
How the tourism knowledge transfer in community in tourism village?
5 answers
Tourism knowledge transfer in community within tourism villages involves various strategies such as outreach, strengthening understanding of village institutions, and assisting in the formation of village organizations. Research emphasizes the importance of community empowerment through socio-economic education to address issues like institutional management, business development, and marketing promotion in tourist villages. Additionally, enhancing millennial community participation through education and training is crucial for village development, as seen in Sumberbulu Hamlet's efforts to engage younger residents in advancing their tourism village. Value co-creation plays a significant role in building tourism villages, highlighting the collaboration between local communities and tourists to create added value and address challenges like limited resources and low community participation levels.
How diagnosis and measure Miles Snow strategic type?
5 answers
Diagnosing and measuring Miles and Snow strategic types involves analyzing the strategic behaviors of companies based on their approaches to competition. This process often includes evaluating internal and external performance, utilizing frameworks like network DEA and cross-efficiency approaches. Additionally, linking strategic archetypes to organizational ambidexterity can provide insights into how firms address various problem domains in alignment with their strategic profiles. Research suggests that different strategic types, such as Prospector and Analyzer, may lead to slightly higher organizational performance compared to Defender and Reactor types. By examining these strategic behaviors and aligning them with performance measures, organizations can gain a better understanding of their competitive strategies and potential outcomes.
What are the potential ethical risks associated with conducting terrorism-related research using qualitative methodologies?
5 answers
Conducting terrorism-related research using qualitative methodologies presents various ethical risks. Researchers and participants may face discomfort and distress due to the sensitive nature of the subject. Ethical challenges include ensuring the safety and vulnerability of both participants and researchers, as well as respecting their rights throughout the research process. In volatile settings, researchers encounter difficulties in data collection and must adapt conventional methodologies to localized approaches while considering ethics as a continuous process. Additionally, researchers themselves may experience emotional impacts and ethical risks, highlighting the need for a focus on researcher well-being in qualitative research ethics. Overall, ethical considerations are crucial in qualitative studies on terrorism, requiring careful attention to participant protection, cultural sensitivity, and distress management.
What is new research on rural tourism?
5 answers
Recent research on rural tourism has highlighted its significance in promoting sustainable development and rural revitalization. Studies emphasize the interplay between the improvement of rural living environments, the development of rural tourism, and the economic benefits for local communities. Scholars have also delved into the quantification of rural non-use values, emphasizing the importance of protecting rural nature for tourism development. Furthermore, a scientometric analysis revealed increasing global interest in rural tourism research, with a focus on sustainable development as a key theme for integrated urban-rural development and rural revitalization. Different rural tourism models based on natural landscapes and local culture have been explored, showcasing the diverse benefits and the need for convenient transportation infrastructure to support rural tourism development.
What is new research on rural tourism according to top Q1-Q2 journal articles?
5 answers
Recent research on rural tourism has highlighted its significance in rural economic development and the optimization of living environments. Studies have shown a growing trend in rural tourism research globally, with China, Spain, and the United States being prominent contributors. The integration of rural tourism with beautiful countryside construction has been emphasized as a means to enhance rural living environments and boost economic income through capital investment and employment opportunities. Additionally, leveraging big data to promote the common growth of agricultural economy and rural tourism has been proposed, focusing on enhancing the market visibility of rural cultural resources and building cultural brands to drive rural revitalization. Furthermore, exploring the impact of homesickness on tourists' perceptions and consumption intentions in rural tourism has been studied, aiming to understand tourists' consumption behavior patterns and provide insights for rural destination planning.