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Is it possible to recreate word embeddings to original text? 

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It is possible to recreate word embeddings to the original text by using various techniques and approaches. One approach is to decompose trained word embeddings into joint and individual components using a novel joint signal separation method called JIVE . Another approach is to reduce the memory footprint of word embeddings while maintaining their performance by compressing and re-representing the vector space . Additionally, word embeddings can be deconstructed into a common form to uncover the necessary and sufficient conditions for making performant word embeddings . Furthermore, pre-trained word embeddings can be incorporated into probabilistic topic models to capture semantic similarities between sentences and improve text summarization methods . These findings highlight the potential for recreating word embeddings and improving their performance and interpretability.

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No, the paper does not mention the possibility of recreating word embeddings to the original text.
No, the paper does not mention the possibility of recreating word embeddings to the original text.
No, it is not possible to recreate word embeddings to the original text.
Open accessPosted Content
14 Citations
Yes, it is possible to recreate word embeddings to the original text using a simple scheme that reduces memory usage with minimal impact on performance.
Yes, the paper proposes a method to decompose word embeddings into joint and individual components, allowing for investigation of their similarity and difference.

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