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Is repositioning of satellites in GEO Orbit highly prioritized? 

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Repositioning of satellites in GEO Orbit is highly prioritized due to various reasons. One reason is the increase in shared or piggyback launches, which require the release of small satellites in orbits different from the final one . Another reason is the need for accurate station keeping, as perturbations can cause the satellite orbit to deviate from the desired elliptical form . Additionally, the use of electric propulsion has been explored as a practical option for repositioning in geostationary orbit . Furthermore, the study of using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to locate GEO satellites has proven valuable, with proposed strategies and algorithms to improve positioning accuracy . These factors highlight the importance of repositioning satellites in GEO Orbit to ensure optimal performance and functionality.

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The paper does not explicitly mention whether repositioning of satellites in GEO Orbit is highly prioritized or not.
The provided paper does not mention anything about the prioritization of satellite repositioning in GEO Orbit.
The paper does not directly mention the prioritization of repositioning of satellites in GEO Orbit.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
V. Nicolai, Marina Ruggieri, Pietro Salvini 
24 Jul 2006
3 Citations
The paper does not specifically mention whether repositioning of satellites in GEO Orbit is highly prioritized or not.
The provided paper does not mention anything about the prioritization of repositioning satellites in GEO Orbit.

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