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All of these suggest that root exudates from the taro plant itself is one of the causes of problems in taro culture.
These effects may lead to improvements in the treatment of kidney disease.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
43 Citations
Taken together, these experimental studies suggest an important role of oxidants in chronic kidney disease.
Therefore, this treatment may represent a therapeutic approach for the management of kidney disease.

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What are the potential health benefits associated with consuming taro balls?5 answersConsuming taro balls can offer various health benefits due to the bioactive compounds present in taro corms and their nutritional value. Taro contains compounds like tarin, polysaccharides, α-amylase inhibitors, and antioxidants, contributing to its antitumoral, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. Additionally, taro's nutritional benefits, including its starch content, make it a valuable option for improving food products and promoting health. Studies have shown that taro consumption can have antihyperglycemic, antihypertensive, and hypoglycemic effects, making it beneficial for managing metabolic dysfunctions. Furthermore, the seeds of papaya, another tropical fruit, are rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, offering protection against diseases like cancer and heart disease, while aiding in digestion and combating infections.
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4 answers
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