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Is the elevated plus maxe used for assessment of learning and memory in rat? 

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The elevated plus maze (EPM) is primarily utilized in neuroscience research to evaluate emotional behavior in rodents, focusing on anxiety-related behavior rather than learning and memory assessment. Studies have shown that the EPM is validated for assessing anti-anxiety effects of various agents and exploring brain regions related to anxiety behavior . While the EPM is effective in measuring open arm avoidance as an indicator of anxiety, it may not be the ideal choice for evaluating learning and memory in rats. Research has demonstrated the impact of aging on memory processes in rats using the EPM, highlighting the effects of aging on memory retention at different times of the day . Additionally, investigations into drugs affecting learning and memory have utilized the EPM to assess acquisition and retention processes, indicating its utility for evaluating drug effects on memory consolidation .

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The elevated plus-maze is used to assess anxiety in rats, not specifically learning and memory. It does not effectively differentiate between memory levels in young and old rats.
Yes, the elevated plus-maze is utilized for evaluating learning and memory mechanisms in both rats and mice, as discussed in the research paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Yes, the Elevated Plus-Maze (EPM) test is utilized for evaluating memory in rats, as shown in the study on time-of-day and age impact on memory in rats.
Not addressed in the paper.

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