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Is the Murray Darling Basin management allowing enough water to be available for agriculture? 

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The management of the Murray-Darling Basin faces challenges in balancing water availability for agriculture with environmental sustainability. The Murray-Darling Basin Plan aims to return water from irrigation to the environment, but the actual return falls short of targets due to policy adjustments and climate change risks. Water reform in the basin has led to conflicts over water access, highlighting the importance of managing water availability effectively. The basin, despite being crucial for agriculture, is already experiencing the impacts of climate change, necessitating adaptation strategies for reduced water availability. Water quality has also emerged as a significant concern alongside water security, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to managing water resources in the basin.

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The Murray-Darling Basin management is facing challenges in providing enough water for agriculture due to policy adjustments and increasing environmental water requirements, impacting irrigation communities.
The Murray-Darling Basin management balances water for agriculture and the environment through active water management, increasing environmental water availability while supporting agricultural needs.
The Murray-Darling Basin management faces challenges in balancing water allocation for agriculture due to hydrologic issues, competing interests, and uncertainties related to climate change impacts.
The Murray-Darling Basin management faces challenges in providing sufficient water for agriculture due to climate change impacts, necessitating adaptation strategies for reduced water availability.

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