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Is there a life after death ? 

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There are intriguing concepts related to life after death discussed in the provided contexts. While the first context does not directly address this philosophical question, it highlights the universal compatibility of the topic. On the other hand, the second and third contexts delve into the continuation of solutions past a critical point, suggesting the existence of multiple "lives" or paths for a system even after a blowup. Additionally, the fourth context touches upon the intricate interactions between plants and their pollinators, hinting at the interconnectedness of life and the environment. Lastly, the fifth context discusses the stages and challenges magazines face, implying adaptation and survival as key elements in the life cycle of publications. These diverse perspectives collectively hint at the possibility of different forms of existence or transitions beyond what is conventionally perceived as the end of life.

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In the context of ordinary differential equations with non-Lipschitz singularities, the concept of "life after death" refers to continuation past blowup, where solutions may exist for longer times.
In the context of ordinary differential equations with non-Lipschitz singularities, the concept of "life after death" refers to continuation past blowup, where multiple solutions may exist post-singularities.
Journal ArticleDOI
29 Aug 2008-Science
1 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Journal ArticleDOI
Samir Husni, Emily Main 
8 Citations
In the context of the magazine industry, there is a metaphorical "life after death" where successful publications adapt to challenges, evolve, and potentially reincarnate to stay relevant.
Not addressed in the paper.

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