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Is there any other governance mode except hierarvhical, market and network modes? 

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Yes, apart from hierarchical, market, and network modes of governance, there are additional governance modes such as self-regulation, state guarantee model (SGM), and global economic governance (GEG) modes like supranational, hybrid, and hierarchic. Self-regulation is seen in European data protection and Facebook's content moderation regimes . The SGM has evolved into a market-based governance mode in Danish infrastructure governance, moving away from bureaucratic governance . GEG modes include supranational, hybrid, network, and hierarchic, with factors like leadership and effective national institutions influencing the selection of these modes . These diverse governance modes highlight the complexity and variety in contemporary governance structures beyond the traditional hierarchical, market, and network models.

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The paper introduces a typology of governance styles that combine pluralist, populist, and technocratic elements alongside hierarchies, markets, and networks, suggesting no other distinct governance modes.

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