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Is there critic on case management in health care? 

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Critics on case management in health care have been noted in various studies. While some evidence suggests positive impacts on health care utilization outcomes, including reduced hospital readmissions and emergency department visits , there are mixed results indicating the need for further evaluation . Case management's success relies on patient involvement, collaborative practice teams, critical pathways, and multidisciplinary action plans . Additionally, the necessity of experienced and well-trained case managers with strong interpersonal skills to optimize case management programs has been emphasized for improved patient outcomes and proactive care . These findings highlight the importance of ongoing assessment and refinement of case management strategies in healthcare to ensure effectiveness and positive patient experiences.

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Case management in healthcare is critiqued for needing experienced, skilled case managers to optimize patient care, improve outcomes, and enhance integrated care for frequent users of healthcare services.
The paper discusses the positioning of case management in successful interprofessional collaboration in healthcare, without explicitly mentioning criticism on case management in health care.
Yes, there is criticism on case management in healthcare, particularly regarding concerns about standardization, potential negative impact on patient outcomes, and resistance from physicians towards critical pathways.
Yes, the paper critically evaluates the effectiveness of case management on health care utilization outcomes for chronic illnesses, providing valuable insights for practitioners, researchers, and policymakers.

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