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Is there production of methane in sea ice? 

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Yes, there is production of methane in sea ice. Studies indicate that sea ice acts as a significant reservoir for methane, with different ice types influencing methane storage and release pathways. The transition from thicker multi-year ice to thinner first-year ice alters methane storage and transport, impacting its fate upon ice melting . Methane generation devices have been designed to extract methane from seabed combustible ice deposits, highlighting the presence of methane in these formations . The annual cycle of atmospheric methane in polar regions is closely linked to sea ice dynamics, suggesting that sea ice plays a crucial role in methane production and release into the atmosphere . Overall, methane production in sea ice is a significant phenomenon with implications for methane pathways and global atmospheric methane levels.

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Yes, the methane generation device at seabed extracts methane from flammable ice mineral fragments, indicating methane production from seabed deposits, not sea ice.
Yes, the methane generation device in the seabed combustible ice deposit fragments produces methane by separating it from water and delivering it through an exhaust pipeline.
Yes, the methane generation device extracts methane from seabed combustible ice (natural gas hydrates) through a process involving separation of methane and water for delivery to users.
Yes, sea ice can store and release methane, acting as a source of methane for polar surface waters during late spring, as indicated in the study.
Open accessPosted Content
Clive Hambler, Peter Henderson 
Yes, the paper suggests that degassing during sea ice freeze and temperature-dependent solubility in the ocean are dominant factors in the annual methane cycle, indicating methane production in sea ice.

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