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Islam and connection to nature 

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Islam emphasizes a profound connection to nature, viewing it as a creation of God to be respected and preserved. Islamic scholars have explored environmental theologies and laws based on the Qur’an, Sunnah, and Islamic traditions, highlighting humanity's role as stewards of the Earth . Scholars like Said Nursi have advocated for a spiritual approach towards nature, considering animals and the environment as interconnected elements reflecting the Divine . Additionally, Islamic teachings, as interpreted by scholars like Seyyed Hossein Nasr, promote environmental ethics by emphasizing the concept of humans as Khalifah, responsible for maintaining harmony with nature . Islam's ecological ethics stress the importance of sustainable resource use and responsible environmental practices, guiding believers to coexist harmoniously with the natural world .

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Said Nursi's Islamic perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of nature and animals, viewing them as spiritual beings connected to the Divine, promoting a deep respect for the environment.
Reference EntryDOI
23 May 2019
4 Citations
Islam emphasizes a connection to nature, viewing it as a sign of God. Muslims are considered stewards of the earth, with Islamic scholars developing environmental theologies and laws from Islamic scriptures.
Open access
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas 
01 Dec 2014
2 Citations
Islam emphasizes the relationship between man and nature. The paper explores this connection from an Islamic perspective and questions why conservation efforts are lacking within the Muslim community.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
11 Jan 2023
Islam emphasizes humans as part of creation, with obligations to preserve and use natural resources sustainably. It highlights the connection between humans and nature through ethical principles.

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What are the benefits of nature connection for the environment?3 answersNature connection has several benefits for the environment. Higher levels of nature connectedness promote pro-nature conservation actions and pro-environmental behaviors. Experiences in nature foster environmental stewardship values and engagement in pro-environmental behaviors. Nature experiences contribute to individual and societal well-being, which can lead to a healthier and more sustainable future. Mindful engagement with nature can increase nature connection in children, which can predict ecological behaviors. Exposure to rural and coastal locations, as well as sites of higher environmental quality, enhances individuals' sense of connectedness to nature and psychological restoration. Overall, nature connection plays a crucial role in promoting environmental awareness, conservation actions, and well-being, which are all beneficial for the environment.
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6 answers
Organizational neuroscience (ON) has emerged as a novel scholarly domain, aiming to bridge neuroscience with management and organizational research, thereby flourishing as a self-standing scientific field with a focus on entrepreneurship, strategic management, and organizational behavior among others. The rapid development of information technology has significantly impacted this field, particularly through the application of neuroimaging techniques, which have been identified as crucial tools for theoretical innovation and knowledge reengineering in organizational behavior. The evolution of ON has been marked by debates around its value, particularly concerning the challenges in collecting and interpreting brain-level analysis data. However, there is a growing consensus on the importance of applying neuroscience to further theory development and provide comprehensive answers to research questions relevant to both academics and practitioners. Recent developments in ON include the adoption of experimental settings involving multiple participants to study the neural bases of organizational behavior, emphasizing the importance of interpersonal dynamics in the workplace. Additionally, neuroscience has been leveraged to enhance the success of implementing organizational change by understanding it as a cognitive process. The complexity of the human brain and the advancements in neuroscience research have enriched the understanding of brain functions, offering tangible benefits for organizational practices. Furthermore, ON has been applied to explore industrial adaptive behavior, highlighting the significance of business-to-business signaling in competitive environments. Despite the potential implications for leadership and organization development, there are ethical and public interest dilemmas associated with neuroimaging and physiology-based research methods. The interdisciplinary approach of ON, incorporating neuroscientific techniques, is poised for further growth, although it faces technological and methodological challenges that necessitate careful consideration. This roadmap for ON underscores the field's promise for advancing organizational research and practice while navigating its complexities and challenges.
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5 answers
Economic instruments, including environmental taxes, play a crucial role in mitigating environmental degradation and promoting sustainable resource management. By analyzing forest policy documents, the EU has shown effective distribution of resources through financing programs aligned with environmental objectives. Environmental taxes, as part of wider policy tools, optimize consumer and producer behavior, generating revenues for environmental protection projects. Studies indicate that environmental taxes and governance positively impact environmental quality, emphasizing the importance of these instruments in decreasing environmental degradation. Additionally, the use of green financial instruments in fiscal policy, such as environmental taxation, can significantly impact environmental management and ensure economic sustainability by changing tax rates and providing subsidies. Improving the system of environmental taxation can stimulate positive environmental attitudes and fund environmental protection initiatives.