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Issues and challenges in train law of the philippines 

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The Train Law of the Philippines faces several issues and challenges. One of the major challenges is the promotion of the Dual Training System (DTS) to address job-skills mismatch and reduce unemployment . Another challenge is the implementation of the revised Standard Training, Certification, Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention and Code in maritime education and training (MET) to ensure safe operations at sea . Additionally, the low success rate of cadets in MET institutions is a governance issue that affects the quality of education and training . In the context of reproductive health, the implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law lacks cohesive multi-sectoral coordination, hindering its effectiveness . Lastly, the Philippines' territorial and maritime boundaries face unresolved conflicts and criticisms in international law, requiring a reform of the legal framework .

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The provided paper is about the challenges in implementing the Philippines' Reproductive Health Law. It does not discuss the issues and challenges in the TRAIN Law of the Philippines.
The provided paper does not discuss the issues and challenges in the TRAIN Law of the Philippines. The paper focuses on the low success rate of cadets in maritime higher education institutions and the governance issues surrounding it.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2020
2 Citations
The provided paper does not discuss the issues and challenges in the Train Law of the Philippines.
The provided paper is about the challenges in Philippine maritime education and training. It does not mention anything about the Train Law of the Philippines.

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