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Issues and Challenges of Forced-Seasonal Labour Migrants: A study in Bolangir District of Odisha 

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Forced-Seasonal Labour Migration in Bolangir District of Odisha presents significant challenges. The migration patterns in Odisha, driven by poverty and lack of opportunities, lead to adverse working conditions and exploitation. Children of migrant families face neglect, educational barriers, and health hazards, both at the origin and destination. The study highlights that distress seasonal migration is a survival strategy but does not significantly improve income or living standards. Moreover, the influx of seasonal workers in tourism destinations is met with stereotypical and prejudicial attitudes from locals, leading to vulnerability and exploitation of migrant employees. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive policies focusing on improving working conditions, protecting migrant rights, and combating stereotypes to ensure the well-being of forced-seasonal labour migrants in Bolangir District.

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Forced-Seasonal Labour Migration in Bolangir District of Odisha involves unfree labor, exploitation, and social identity influences, reflecting challenges faced by marginalized workers in contemporary India.
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